Page 1 - WILMAPCO Transporter - Winter 2022
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          Winter 2022
Quarterly newsletter of the Wilmington Area Planning Council TRANSPORTER
Delaware Climate Action Plan Offers Strategies for Emissions Reduction
        As world leaders gathered in Glasgow, Scotland for the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) to discuss ways to limit global greenhouse gas emissions and increase resiliency, Governor John Carney announced the release of Delaware’s Climate Action Plan.
              resilience to climate change impacts    greenhouse gas emissions. In part, the plan was created to outline how Delaware can meet its goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 26% by 2025 (from 2005 levels).
Transportation emissions represent the single largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the state, and strategies for reducing emissions from transportation play a key role in the plan. Strategies outlined for reducing emissions include reducing vehicle miles traveled,         accessibility of electric vehicles and charging stations.
The plan also proposes strategies for increasing resiliency to climate change, highlighting transportation            conditions, evaluating evacuation    
infrastructure management plans.
Following on the heels of the announcement of the Climate Action Plan, the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) announced the availability of $1.4 million in competitive grant funding      electric vehicle charging stations. These funds will help to implement strategies in the plan focused on     
Learn more about Delaware’s Climate
Action Plan, climate change, emission sources, and climate change impacts in Delaware at

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