Page 2 - WILMAPCO Transporter - Winter 2022
P. 2

 Proposed New Streetscape Designs for Union Street
Are Being Refined
 Alternative A: ($$$ + more time)
 Alternative B: ($ + less time)
Union Street is a commercial high vehicle speeds, and conditions a Purpose and Need Statement,
corridor on the West Side of Wilmington that serves as a “main street” for area neighborhoods, but the       very wide to serve automobiles and is not very comfortable for pedestrians.
Union Street was reduced from three travel lanes to two in 2018 through the     Study. A bike lane was added, and the parallel parking on the east side          was intended as an interim step, with additional work needed to complete the community’s vision for the area. Currently, there are people who          
do not feel safe for pedestrians and bicyclists.
and Streetscape Improvement Study has allowed the Wilmington Initiatives Partnership (the Delaware Department of Transportation/Delaware Transit Corporation [DelDOT/DTC], City of Wilmington, and WILMAPCO) to engage the community in developing permanent improvements to transform Union Street into a safe, walkable,      surrounding neighborhoods and the region.
Based on the public comments received during the visioning portion       
from which a list of Measures of Effectiveness was developed to be used as criteria to evaluate potential roadway redesign alternatives. The team then developed a series of nine roadway concepts for Union Street, which were       the needs of the community.
An Advisory Committee, consisting
business owners, and community members, has met twice, most recently on October 13, to review the draft           a public workshop held on October 27. Based on the feedback from      mittee, and the public, the two concepts
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