Page 7 - WILMAPCO Transporter - Winter 2022
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Transportation Emissions to Continue Falling
in New Castle County
WILMAPCO is set to release a new air quality analysis this March. The federally required analysis, conducted by County. As shown in the graphs below, it will not.
to drop sharply between 2025 and 2050, easily meeting the county’s transportation emissions budgets. Volatile organic compound (VOC) between 2025 and 2050. Fine particulate
matter (PM2.5) emissions, meanwhile,
These emission reductions correspond
the United States have fallen by 25%. Annual PM2.5 emissions have dropped by 41% since 2000.
Though regulations only require an
emissions in New Castle County, we also
equivalent (CO2e) transportation emissions. These greenhouse gas emissions show a more modest decline of 12% through 2045 from
emissions begin to rise again in the late 2040s. This can be attributed both to a vehicle technologies in the model. If new technologies are discovered and implemented, these emissions may well continue to fall.
conformity determination will be
Transportation Improvement Program in
in May 2022.
To see a copy or learn more, please
New Castle County’s Draft Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Transportation Emission Projections
New Castle County’s Draft Nitrogen Oxide (NOx)
Transportation Emission Projections
New Castle County’s Draft Direct Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5)
Transportation Emission Projections
New Castle County’s Draft Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (CO2e) Transportation Emission Projections
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