ThePort of Baltimore
March/April 2014
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previously installed stormwater structures to treat several of
its impervious surfaces, a significant amount still remains
that needs to be treated or rehabilitated to meet the 20
percent goal.
The treatment plan, starting in 2014-2015, includes the
installation of three underground stormwater treatment
vaults at the Dundalk Marine Terminal, which will address
conditions along approximately nine acres of impervious
surfaces. These vaults will capture sediment, nutrients, oil
and trash from stormwater runoff, thus preventing these
pollutants from entering thewaterways.
Additionally in 2014-2015, theMPAwill rehabilitate five
existing stormwater filtering systems; these systems collect
and temporarilystore thestormwater andpass it through the
filteringmedia. Approximately 13acreswill be impactedwith
the removal of nutrients and sediments.
TheMPA is also evaluating and piloting emerging treat-
ment technologies, suchasfloating treatmentwetlandsand
an algae turf scrubber. These technologies are currently
under reviewby theChesapeakeBay Program todetermine
their effectiveness for TMDL reduction.
TheMPA is constantly looking at new stormwater tech-
nologies, their efficiencyandcost effectiveness for treatment
of impervious surfaces, said Jamie Smith, Environmental
Specialist forMarylandEnvironmental Service.
Another exciting project involves tree planting and
reforestation at the closedHawkins Point DredgedMaterial
Containment Facility.WithaMarylandDepartment ofNatural
Resources Natural Filters Grant, the MPA will plant 1,500
treesacross 15acres, an initiative thatwill qualify for 10acres
of impervious surface treatment. Thiswill re-create forested
habitat along the shoreline of the PatapscoRiver.
Such projects are all steps in meeting the goal of 20
percent treatment of the MPA’s impervious surfaces. Bill
Richardson, theMPA’s Environmental Manager, is currently
developingafive-year plan that identifies futureprojects that
enable theMPA tomeet its goal. Richardson indicated that
all departmentswithin theMPAand its tenantsare involved
and committed to thegoal, andhe is confident that theplan
will succeed.
Made from recycled
that, oncefilled, createan
Treesbeingplanted to
re-create forestedhabitat
along theshorelineof the