Page 88 - The Hunt Winter 2021
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    In the early 1500s, Christopher Columbus’ son, Hernando,
took on the crazy
task of trying to collect copies and/
or summaries of every book in existence in an attempt to compile a universal library. It was a quixotic adventure doomed to failure.
2.2 million books are published every year, including new editions.
But there’s a special attraction to rare books given as gifts. It’s that whiff of history—something special snatched from another time, something with its own story outside the written pages. A rare book isn’t likely to be placed in a stack and forgotten. It’s different, and it might be worth something.
Rare books also can serve as gifts for two vastly different audiences. First, there’s
the novice who’s just opening the door to
a planned career and may find sufficient inspiration to start a specialized library. And collectors are always eager to add something new that’s old to their library shelves.
Timothy Murray works with rare books daily, and he still gets excited talking about them. As head of special collections at
the University of Delaware, Murray has
in his purview about 200,000 books and more than a million manuscripts. “We’re a member of the American Research Libraries, and we were endowed funds to purchase books—plus we get a lot of donations,” he says.
Murray notes that there’s really no single definition of what’s rare. The term generally applies to volumes that are very old, sometimes with few others in existence. A former owner may give it additional cachet. Among the rarest
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1. Publication Title: The Hunt
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3. Filing Date: 10/1/2021
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