January/February 2013
The Port of Baltimore
dynamic and ever-changing field. With
access issues resolved, he is focusing on
cruise security.
“We are now beginning to assess and
enhance security in this very important
area,” said Espie, adding that positive inter-
action with MPA Executive Director James
J. White and Deputy Executive Director M.
Kathleen Broadwater is crucial. “Our team
is very fortunate to have such great support
from the top.”
Port of Baltimore
Security Progress
Under Governor Martin O’Malley
Remote video surveillance system currently being installed at the public
marine terminals. Closed-circuit cameras with analytic capabilities will
further create a secure perimeter and access-control points.
New Dundalk Marine Terminal truck plaza with state-of-the-art security
enhancements installed.
Radiation Portal Monitors introduced at gate access points.
Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism Certification and validation
acquired for the Port’s public terminals.
Perimeter fence line enhancement and preventive maintenance
program implemented.
Automated cyberlocks operational at all access-controlled gates.
High-mast lighting and waterside physical barriers installed.
The Port of Baltimore was one of the first Level II U.S. ports to implement
the federal Transportation Workers Identification Credential (TWIC).
A Maryland Port Administration smart card credential was also
established as required terminal access.
The Port of Baltimore has received
five consecutive
outstanding security assessments
from the
U.S. Coast Guard