Page 14 - Delaware Medical Journal - November/December 2019
P. 14

          Leading the Way to
a Healthy Delaware:
Where Legacy Meets Mission
  H      practice of medicine — is faced with numerous challenges. However, with
challenges come opportunities!
For those of you who attended the Annual
impressive Inaugural Gala later that same
opportunity to make a positive difference for your Medical Society of Delaware (MSD) — not just for today, but for our future.
It is because of our members that MSD has made an impactful mark on Delaware’s rich and illustrious medical history. Your active participation today secures this legacy, but, more importantly, it will shape our future. Through your support, we will advance our shared mission and thereby better the lives of all citizens of Delaware.
The challenges are clear. As a physician, you experience them every day. The critical question is, how do we collectively seize the opportunities to meet those challenges? Like other member medical associations, MSD must pivot to meet shifts in the marketplace,         with one another, and address the pressing and ever-shifting health issues facing our state.
As we transition from one Society President to the next, we are unabashedly optimistic that MSD can and will continue to lead the way to
a healthier Delaware. But that effort requires not a continuation of the status
quo, but a new commitment to our shared initiatives.
It is our hope that, recognizing the importance of MSD to Delaware physicians, to the practice of medicine, and in particular to the vulnerable in our communities, you will join us in reinvigorating the Society to meet the pressing health care needs facing our state.
MSD is the third-oldest professional society of its type in the United States. With
              has witnessed many changes over the years. It is fair to say that, ever since the birth of the United States, MSD has championed quality medical care in Delaware. Though much has changed over the past 230 years, the founding principles have remained steadfast and
true: to guide, serve, and support Delaware physicians, and promote the practice and profession of medicine to enhance the health of our communities.
Why does the Medical Society of Delaware deserve your active membership and support? Let’s begin with the ways MSD improves the lives and practices of its more than 1,200 physician-members.
■ Prior Authorization reform efforts – working with lawmakers, decision makers, and key leaders to create meaningful change and help to streamline a burdensome, daily challenge physicians face.
■ Legislative advocacy and political representation – monitoring health care issues as they arise and making sure the needs and concerns of physicians are represented in Delaware’s political arena as well as at the federal level.
■ Practical resources – offering important information and resources regarding telemedicine, data collection platforms for EHRs, information technology solutions, and other services that MSD has carefully vetted to save you time and money.
■ Practice management assistance
– providing administrative support to
your staff, including all human resource assistance, guidance with MIPS and MACRA, assistance with practice start-up and practice closing requirements, practice compliance, medical records documentation, and answers to coding questions.
■ Continuing Medical Education – providing required CME credits on timely topics such as mandatory reporting, controlled substances/opioid prescribing, measles, medical marijuana, zika, and gun law legislation.
■ Communications – delivering timely, important information to members, practice managers, and the public on issues affecting physicians and their staff.
• eNews & Views – weekly electronic newsletter with current news affecting physicians, important upcoming events, and opportunities for physicians.
Del Med J | November/December 2019 | Vol. 91 | No. 6

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