Page 18 - Delaware Medical Journal - January 2017
P. 18

An effort to record the military service of Delaware physicians for the Archives of the Medical Society of Delaware
 William Duncan, MD
The Medical Society of Delaware’s monthly publication, the Delaware Medical Journal, carried a series of articles beginning in 1994 under the general title, “Delaware’s Doctors in Military Service throughout Two Centuries.” The
last articles in this monumental task were the Korean War series published in June and July 2000.
As was true of the interim between WW I and WW II and Korea, only a few years passed before the United States was involved in  also excursions to Grenada, Panama, Kosovo, and others. Wartime conditions for the military continue today in Afghanistan and Iraq. In addition, the military services now formally recognize “The Cold 
Del Med J | January 2017 | Vol. 89 | No. 1

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