Page 32 - Georgia Forestry - Summer 2017
P. 32
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178:: _Acre Tract w/9ac Pon_d,Pine&Hardwood 1231 AcreTrr1ctw/ Irrigated land, Open land, " ‘ zsoiA£re1‘imberIandTra&’w/ Natural
Timber, Hunting & Fishing I Candler Co and W°°ded M9396! I 509%" C0 Regeneration, Pine, and Hardwood| Jenkins co
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Land, Barns,&More! | Candler Co Timber Value and Hunting| Emanuel Co P°"dr“"'b°"a"dr&C'9ek| APP""9 C0
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, 158:t AcreTimberTrrIctw/ CreekAwe$ and ' 200: Acre Irrigated Farm w/ a Pond and 1211 Acres w/ Cabin, Pasture Land, Pond,
; _ Great Hunting!| Washingtionoo W°°ded Acfeagell 5CfE’Ve|1C° and Natural Pine | Jefferson Co
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