Page 22 - Delaware Lawyer - Spring 2023
P. 22

 duct through electronic commu- nication or interactive computer service that causes emotional dis- tress or places another person in reasonable fear of death or seri- ous bodily injur y to themselves or another, including pets or ser vice animals.9
• Cyberbullying: The use of elec- tronic communication devices such as cell phones, computers and tablets to bully a person, e.g. by sending, posting or sharing messages of an intimidating or threatening nature.10
• Litigation Abuse: The misuse of the court system to force the vic- tim to respond to numerous repeat pleadings, continuances, dismiss- als, appeals, or causing the victim to come to court to defend against frivolous allegations.11
The abuser intends each form of abuse to control his/her victim. Most victims recognize incidents that in hindsight were red flags of potential abuse, which then culminate in actual physical, financial, emotional or men- tal abuse. Given the insidious nature of domestic violence, many times normal relationship activities such as sharing passwords to computers, cell phones, home cameras and smart devices become a mechanism to facilitate abuse or harassment.
Classifying AI and
Its Potential for Abuse
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recognize intimate partner violence (domestic violence) as a “serious public health problem in the United States.”12 According to the CDC website, 41% of women and 26% of men have been victims of domestic violence.13 This
does not account for the number of men and women who have expe- rienced emotional and/or mental abuse from their intimate partner. It is important to understand how tech- nology can be used by abusers as a weapon of control.
Technology has evolved over the last five decades, due to continuing innovations, such as the internet. The communication protocols — Trans- mission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) — used to con- nect devices to each other and the popular “virtual assistant” Siri started as military projects for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Siri was originally known as the Cognitive Assistant that Learns and Organizes (CALO), a compo- nent of the Personalized Assistant that Learns (PAL) program created to make military decision-making more efficient and effective. Developments

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