Page 10 - Italian American Herald - July 2019
P. 10

Italy’s dog-friendly beaches offer fun and frolic in the summer
Dogs enjoy la dolce vita at a beach in Le Marche. By Jeanne Outlaw-Cannavo and Sara
When I lived in Italy with mamma and nonna they always told me how happy they were that they were able to take me along on their many viaggi (trips) and avventure (adventures).
Meno male (thank goodness) because I did not like to be left home alone. When mamma or nonna said “Andiamo Sara” I knew that something divertente (fun) was about
to happen almeno se non andavamo al veterianario! (at least if we weren’t going
to the vet!) If we headed to the car my imagination ran wild as we started our journey. I thought of new smells, new friends
and lots of good food as we cruised down la strada (the road)
One of my favorite summertime trips
was to the spiaggia (beach). Luckily for me there were plenty of dog-friendly beaches in Italy from north to south. Today there are over100ofthesespecialbeachesacrossthe mainland and on some of the coastal isole (islands). Many of these offer amenities just for us like agility courses, places to rinse off, special menus and of course lots of fresh water.
When I went to the beach with mamma many years ago, they didn’t have all this great stuff but I always had a great time. I got to chase balls, play calcio (soccer) with people on the beach (although sometimes they got
mad when I stole the ball!) or just run around and chase mamma.
The best part was we always finished the day with a nice cool gelato. Anche io! (Me too!)
Now that I live here in Delaware I don’t
gettogotothebeachbutIdogettofareil camping (go camping). It is so much fun to hike and kayak. I am so happy for all the fun times I have with mamma and pappa.
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The first time mamma took me in the
water le mie zampe (my paws) started to
move in the air before I even got in! Mamma
would hold me or I would swim back and
forthbetweenherandnonnauntilIbecame P.S.Doyouknowthemeaningofthedog stanca (tired). Then I would lay on my
blanket on the beach under the umbrella and
rest. Mamma always brought lots of fresh
water and treats for me and if we stayed all
day we would go out to eat and I would get
my own plate of pasta.
I hope all of you have a great summer whatever you do!
days of summer? The ancient Romans called the hottest, most humid days of summer “diēs caniculārēs,” or “dog days.” This was because they associated the hottest days of summer with the star Sirius. Sirius was known as the “Dog Star” because it was the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major (Large Dog). IAH

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