Page 61 - Delaware 222 - 2025
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Mary Dugan
Young Conaway Stargatt
& Taylor
Mary Dugan represents clients in
complex commercial litigation matters
in the state and federal courts in
Delaware. She is an active member of
the Richard Rodney Inn of Court and
the DSBA’s Litigation Section, having
served as its chair, and on the council.
At Young Conaway, she is active in
various fi rm committees and projects,
including serving as Chair of the Firm’s
Government Relations Committee and
former co-chair of the Women’s Affi nity
Group. Dugan was elected to serve as
President of the Delaware State Bar
in 2024. She previously served as the
DSBA’s President-Elect, Vice President
At-Large, Vice President for New Castle
County, and Secretary, and has been a
member of the Executive Committee
for several years.
Marie Holliday
The Bonadio Group
Marie Holliday had worked at
Wilmington accounting fi rm Cover
& Rossiter for close to 20 years before
she was elevated to managing director,
guiding the company’s strategic
direction as growing in new businesses
like trusts and growth management
consulting. Holliday worked with
her team to successfully merge
with the Bonadio Group, the largest
independent provider of professional
services in upstate New York, on Dec.
1. Th e merger provides the former
Cover & Rossiter fi rm with even more
resources and depth of knowledge,
Holliday said, which can help build
on Cover & Rossiter's 85 years of
Mike Hoffman
Connolly Gallagher LLP
Mike Hoff man devotes his practice
to a variety of areas, including
administrative and government law,
land use and real estate, and general
litigation. He currently serves as
legal counsel for the Lewes Board of
Public Works, a state-chartered utility
board providing services to the City of
Lewes and surrounding area. Having
represented both municipalities and
developers on a wide range of issues,
Hoff man has a keen understanding
of the administrative process and a
proven ability to manage complicated
and sensitive matters. And as a former
legislative attorney for the Delaware
House of Representatives, Hoff man has
a robust understanding of statutory
construction and application.
Michael Houghton
Morris, Nichols,
Arsht and Tunnell LLP
For decades, Michael Houghton has
built an expert practice at Morris
Nichols on unclaimed property and
regulatory and legislative matters,
representing governmental entities,
banks, trust companies, insurance
companies and public utilities. He’s
also previously served as president of
both the Uniform Law Commission and
the Delaware State Bar Association.
Currently, Houghton serves as chair of
the Delaware Economic and Financial
Advisory Council, a non-partisan body
of public and private sector leaders
who develop the offi cial state revenue
projections that elected leaders use to
develop the state’s annual budget.
Q&A: | DELAWARE 222 59 | DELAWARE 222 59 | DELAWARE 222 59