Page 54 - Delaware 222 - 2025
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Nicole Majeski
Delaware Department
of Transportation
In 2021, Nicole Majeski was sworn
in as the 11th Delaware Secretary of
Transportation and is responsible
for 90% of the state’s transportation
network. Th at includes the Division
of Motor Vehicles and the Delaware
Transit Corporation. She oversees the
development and implementation of
the state’s six-year capital program
with $4 billion worth of projects.
Majeski also works with state, county,
and municipal offi cials to coordinate
land planning and transportation
needs throughout the state to serve
residential and business uses. Majeski
oversees one of the largest state
departments, with 2,500 employees.
Col. William McDonald
Dover Air Force Base
Col. William C. McDonald commands
436th Airlift Wing, Dover Air Force
Base, and he is responsible for the
combined C-5M Super Galaxy and
C-17A Globemaster III wing providing
worldwide movement of high-priority
personnel and cargo. Dover AFB is
also home to the Air Force Mortuary
Aff airs Operations, the Department of
Defense’s largest aerial port,
and the Air Mobility Command
Museum. With 6,100 airmen,
McDonald oversees one of the largest
employment facilities in Kent County
and the state.
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Kathaleen St. J.
Delaware Court
of Chancery
Regina Mitchell
Delaware Division
of Small Business
Delaware’s Court of Chancery is the
premier venue for legal disputes for
the state’s more than 1 million legal
incorporations, and its judges hear
cases that involve shareholders,
executives and corporate boards.
In 2021, Chancellor Kathaleen St. J.
McCormick became the fi rst female
chancellor in the court’s history. She
began her legal career as a legal aid
lawyer, and then went into private
practice at Young Conaway Stargatt
& Taylor, focusing on corporate and
alternative entity law. In 2018, Gov.
John Carney appointed McCormick to
the Court of Chancery as a new vice
chancellor. She took over the top seat
from Chancellor Andre Bouchard.
Among recent cases, McCormick was
assigned the merger dispute between
Elon Musk and Twitter in 2022.
Th e Division of Small Business is a
service-focused agency committed to
supporting businesses starting and
growing in Delaware. Th ere are almost
100 organizations, including nonprofi ts
and agencies that have more than 300
programs that off er support for small
business owners. As the head of the
Division, Regina Mitchell leads a team
that helps guide businesses to those
resources, attracting new businesses
and administering the state’s strategic
fund. As the division also oversees the
state’s Tourism Offi ce and the Offi ce
of Supplier Diversity, Mitchell also
works to market the state as a tourist
destination and certifying diverse
businesses to boost visibility among
state contractors.