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                                                                From the 􏰀apphire 􏰀uite on the fifth 􏰁oor, a newly transformed room where e􏰂ecu- tives en􏰃oy a private residential-style setting and every 􏰄usiness amenity, to the 2,000 s􏰅uare-foot window-lined 􏰆allery meeting and event space on the second 􏰁oor that can 􏰄e customi􏰇ed for any occasion. The Rit􏰇-􏰈arlton, Westchester e􏰂ceeds all e􏰂pec- tations. 􏰉􏰂pert 􏰉vent Managers assist with creative menu selections, designer d􏰊cor, audio􏰋visual services, entertainment, and ar- rival and departure, while efficiently and ele- gantly guiding guests as their event unfolds.
􏰌olunteaming, a uni􏰅ue corporate ini- tiative that com􏰄ines team 􏰄uilding with volunteer activities, 􏰄rings groups together and 􏰄uilds camaraderie. Moore says􏰍 “􏰌ol- unteaming can 􏰄e planned on site or off premise. Recently, the Rit􏰇-􏰈arlton, West- chester worked with 􏰎ssining􏰏s Teatown 􏰐ake Reservation to assist with its Wild􏰁ow- er 􏰆arden plantings. “We are very e􏰂cited a􏰄out our green initiative, too,􏰑 continues Moore, noting that environmental respon- si􏰄ility is of great concern to clients. “􏰒ow, we are focused on less waste during guests􏰏 stay􏰓reducing energy and water usage, choosing glass and china for dining, setting up recycling 􏰄ins, and using environmental- ly friendly cleaning products. 􏰎ur meeting venues support sustaina􏰄ility 􏰄y providing re- cycled paper products and pens, water ser- vice options, and organic and local food.􏰑
The hotel invites guests to unwind and en􏰃oy light fare and creative cocktails in the intimate 􏰐o􏰄􏰄y 􏰐ounge and also maintains a great partnership with fine restaurants on site􏰓the renowned 􏰔􏰐T 􏰀teak, 42 The Restau-
SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION rant, and 􏰔elotta at 42. “The Rit􏰇-􏰈arlton,
Westchester takes every step to accommo- date every re􏰅uest,􏰑 adds Moore. “We 􏰄e- lieve this is the way to gain loyal guests.􏰑
Serendipity Labs
Expect an experience that’s anything but ordinary
􏰒ew to Westchester after opening in 􏰕an- uary, 􏰀erendipity 􏰐a􏰄s isn􏰏t your ordinary meeting facility. 􏰖t operates as an e􏰂ten- sion of your meeting or event, not only with uni􏰅ue space and e􏰂traordinary service for from two to 200 people, 􏰄ut all the tools and support for successful colla􏰄oration and 􏰄rainstorming. 􏰗p to 30 people can 􏰄e accommodated in a customi􏰇ed meeting setting or 30 to 200 for a standing reception. And during meeting 􏰄reaks, convenient pri- vate retreat spaces are availa􏰄le for person- al phone calls or catching up on 􏰄usiness.
􏰀ays 􏰈􏰉􏰎 􏰕ohn Arenas of the 􏰀erendip- ity 􏰐a􏰄s e􏰂perience􏰍 “We work with you to engage your team with inspirational space, world-class service, and the 􏰄est technol- ogy tools for off-site meetings and special
events. When you hold a meeting at 􏰀er- endipity 􏰐a􏰄s, you have our full attention and commitment to 􏰁awless e􏰂ecution.􏰑 􏰀erendipity 􏰐a􏰄s also provides ongoing mem􏰄ership-􏰄ased workspace with the 􏰁e􏰂i􏰄ility to work alone in a private office􏰘 in small-group shared workspace, colla􏰄o- ration studios, or work􏰄ars􏰘 or a large team event􏰓all within the same location. Multiple mem􏰄ership plans give a range of options from a 24􏰋7 dedicated private office plan to an occasional escape from your home office. The e􏰂tensive onsite support includes knowledgea􏰄le, attentive staff, along with state-of-the-art technology, such as 􏰙􏰚 video, sound, lighting, and printing and fa􏰂 capa􏰄ilities. 􏰉verything you need for a high- functioning office at your fingertips.
LEROS Point to Point
Traveling on time and in style
At 􏰐􏰉R􏰎􏰀, we plan to plan􏰛 which means we think of the finer details prior, during, and
      Let Us Inspire Your Team or Group
Private Event Space • Project Team Space Workbar & Lounge • Integrated Technology • 914.908.6770
80 Theodore Fremd Ave. Rye, NY
 AD Grand Prix 1.4.indd
7/11/13 3:17 PM

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