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                                   Wilson & Son Jewelers, Scarsdale and Mount Kisco
ilson & Son Jewelers was found- business as a salesperson and bench jeweler. ed in 1905 by my great-grand- When the 1970s rolled around, my mother, father Morris Wilson, a watch- Lynne, joined “temporarily”—which ended up and clockmaker who immigrat- being for the next 30 years as a buyer, salesper- ed to the United States from son, bookkeeper, and more.
Russia in the 1800s. His first Our Bronxville store closed in the mid 1970s, store was located on Amsterdam predating the biggest growth period in our com- Avenue on the Upper West Side pany’s history during the late 1980s and into the of Manhattan. Fortuitously, the early ’90s. Not only did we expand the physical store was directly across the size of our Scarsdale store, my brother Matt and
street from Z & Z Restaurant and Bakery, which I came into the business as certified gemologists.
1. This is a photograph, taken in the early 1900s, of the founders of our business, my great- grandparents, Morris and Lena Wilson. They are seen here with my grandmother Adele’s grandparents, who are my great-great-grand- parents.
2. My grandfather Meyer “Mike” Wilson is seen here at the watchmak- er’s bench in 1945.
3. This is the exterior
of our Scarsdale store during World War ll. Notice the red cross on our door as well as the Army helmet in the win- dow next door.
4. Here is a close-up of a ledger from December 1932, which was our first year in Scarsdale. Written in my grand- father’s handwriting,
it shows that he did $505.00 worth of busi- ness that month.
was owned by my grandmother’s family. This proximity led to Morris’ son, my grandfather Meyer “Mike” Wilson, meeting my grandmother Adele. They married, had a son named Ira (my father), and my grandmother joined the business. In 1926, they relocated the business to Bronxville, and, in 1932 during the Great Depression, my great-grandfather and grandfa- ther opened the store in Scarsdale.
During the late 1950s, my father joined the
In 2006, we opened a second location in Mount Kisco.
As the torchbearers of Wilson & Son Jewelers, my brother Matt and I are proud to carry on the same traditions of integrity, honor, and high principles my great-grandfather brought to this country over a century ago.
—Michael Wilson, Co-owner with Matthew Wilson, Wilson & Son Jewelers
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