Page 87 - 914INC - Q2 - 2013
P. 87

                                 Kelloggs & Lawrence
It was June 1, 1887 when Henry Kellogg first opened the doors of Kelloggs in “Old Katonah.” In 1895, it moved to a new building when the entire vil- lage of Katonah was moved to make way for a New York City reservoir.
In the early days, Kelloggs provided plumbing, electrical, and tinsmithing services. The store also sold gas and oil lamps, appli- ances, and, with the advent of auto- mobiles, even installed a gas pump out front. Henry Kellogg served as Katonah’s postmaster in the early days, and the post office occupied a third of the main floor when the cur-
rent building went up in 1895.
My wife, Diana Tyler, took over Kelloggs & Lawrence with me in 1996. Henry Kellogg’s great-grandson Jeff Kellogg is also our partner, and he’s
an invaluable one.
From 2005 through 2007, we went
through a renovation that doubled the retail space, and several departments have been added. Naturally, there is now a
We’re proud that we’ve been able to continue customer service served up in a fun and festive atmosphere.
—Bart Tyler, Proprietor, Kelloggs & Lawrence
Q2 2013
1. This 1930 photo- graph shows Henry and Elliott Kellogg, Faye Lawrence, and the rest of the staff in front of our building.
2. These days, the lamps in this photo- graph would be valu- able antiques.
3. This photo was taken in June of 2012 during our exciting 125th Anniversary Celebration
4. Jeff and Nina Kellogg, Bart and Diana Tyler, and Marcel DuPre pose for a photo in front of the barrels of bird seed.
5. The household items displayed here include a wringer washer, hanging chandeliers, and por- celain canisters for food storage.

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