Page 24 - Tree Line - North Carolina Forestry Association - Third Quarter 2020
P. 24

          Training Loggers in a Pandemic
Each year, over 1,500 loggers participate in the ProLogger annual re-certification program. Training courses promote safety, business and environmental awareness, and are
offered in accordance with the Sustainable Forestry Initiative’s (SFI) guidelines.
This year’s training schedule came to an abrupt halt as the COVID-19 pandemic forced the state to cancel workshops and severely restrict gatherings of significant size. The loggers who were unable to participate in a training class before March were left with questions and concerns as they were unable to meet
the requirements. The SFI state implementation committee immediately responded with an extension date of the latest Module Course, which allowed time to retool workshops. Many trainers responded with innovative solutions and a willingness to adapt to meet the needs of our people. Companies were willing to offer more classes, but with capped registration, all with public health and safety as a priority.
One company thinking outside the box is Jordan Lumber in Mount Gilead. “We’ve got to do something. We get 60, 80, 100 people [at classes] no problem, and 10 is all I can do?
Ain’t happening,” said Procurement Manager Bruce Evans. He immediately got to work and contacted Badin Drive-In Theater in Albemarle, North Carolina. With safety guidelines in place, Jordan Lumber successfully hosted the first drive-in module course on June 25. Over 80 loggers watched the module on two 100' by 50' screens from the safety of their own vehicles.
Thank you to all of our trainers and companies that have continued to host ProLogger courses throughout the spring and summer. We appreciate your dedication to the program and to keeping loggers safe throughout the state. 
         Jordan Lumber
& Supply, Inc. PO Box 98
Mt. Gilead, NC 27306
Currently operated by second and third generation family members Jordan Lumber has endured major change but their goal remains the same: “Our commitment is to provide customers with both the specialty and commodity forest products for their needs, combining superior quality with superior service.”
- Robert B. Jordan IV, President
                                           ProLogger Module 20 Now Available Online!
 Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Module 20 classes have been forced to cancel
due to safety restrictions. In order to provide our logging force with the latest training, NCFA in coordination with the North Carolina Sustainable Forestry Initiative – State Implementation Committee is now excited to offer our ProLoggers the opportunity to view our Module 20 course online!
 To access the course, please visit

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