Page 34 - Delaware Medical Journal - July/August 2019
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    not correlate with clinical setting, more specifically looking at self-monitored blood glucose in a setting where hypoglycemia would be very likely. An important learning point from this case is to recognize the various causes of falsely low or high A1c (Table 2).
Conditions that result in alteration of red blood cell (RBC) turnover rate
can affect the A1c measurements. In circumstances where there is rapid turnover of RBCs and decreased survival of RBCs, the A1c can be falsely low because a greater proportion of RBCs are younger.1 Examples of such conditions include blood loss anemia (which was the case in our patient), hemolysis, or treatment
with erythropoietin. In cases where
Abbreviations: A1c = hemoglobin A1c; B12 = Vitamin B12; CKD = chronic kidney disease
    Table 2: Factors that Affect A1c Measurements
    Falsely Low A1c
  Falsely High A1c
  Blood loss anemia
 Iron deficiency anemia
 B12 and Folate deficiency anemia
   Erythropoietin treatment
  Uremia in CKD
 Alcohol abuse
  Abnormal hemoglobin
 Abnormal hemoglobin
 Recent blood transfusion
     RBC turnover is decreased, A1c can
be falsely high because a greater proportion of RBCs are older, and thus a higher level of glycated hemoglobin is detected.1 Examples of such conditions     
thalassemia. In our case, the patient had
anemia because he most likely had a component of blood loss anemia from his colon cancer. Abnormal hemoglobin,
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Del Med J | July/August 2019 | Vol. 91 | No. 4

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