Page 26 - Georgia Forestry - Spring 2020
P. 26
The GFC, an agency that serves as the state’s backbone for forest services to the public, has 569 full-time employees. As Georgia’s population continues to rise — from 10.74 million today to a projected 15 million by 2044 — GFC is eyeing its human resources closely.
“A generation ago, our typical ranger candidate who had the potential for long- range success looked a lot different,” said GFC Director Chuck Williams. “Many had agriculture backgrounds, came from rural areas and were used to being around heavy equipment. Now, that’s the exception to the rule.”
“People are moving out of rural areas and into suburban and urban com- munities,” said Hannah Cowart, GFC Employment Services Manager. “There’s a trend away from traditional candidate sources, and we’re changing how we attract people and train them.”
Ryan Phillips
Cost Share Coordinator
Forest Health Specialist