Page 9 - Georgia Forestry - Fall 2018
P. 9

 Meet a few of the people who keep the gears of Georgia’s $35 billion forest industry running efficiently
Story by Matt Hestad
Photography by Story for Story
Working forests are the lifeblood of Georgia. The state is blessed with an
abundance of trees — a mosaic of pine and hardwood forests that cover nearly two thirds of the state. Sitting at the corner of any town square in Georgia, you can see the gears of the $35 billion forestry industry rolling, with log trucks hauling trees of various sizes and lengths to the mills, where the tree fiber is converted to more than 5,000 products that are used in households across the globe.
Over the years — thanks to advances in markets for trees, technology and forest management — the supply chain has been modernized. Landowners, foresters, loggers and manufacturers work around the clock to extract as much value as possible from every part of the supply chain, and they are constantly innovating the process. The key to the state’s working forest success story is its people. They are investing time and knowledge into the forestry supply chain, making our industry better and our state better.
From land management to harvesting operations, to manufacturing, learn about the people involved in the top forestry state in the nation.

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