Page 10 - Ministry of Caring
P. 10

Volunteer Dan Butler receives the “Homeless Jesus” award.
Lending a Helping Hand
Volunteers form the backbone of the Ministry of Caring.
In 1991, chef Dan Butler left Tampa, Fla., and returned
to Wilmington, his hometown, to open Griglia Toscana, an upscale Italian restaurant that didn’t depend on red sauces and gooey cheese dishes. To promote what was then a new concept for the city, he purchased T-shirts with the logo that had original artwork. Butler donated the excess inventory to
the Ministry of Caring.
“We thought they could sell the T-shirts and keep the money,” he recalls. “They thought it was better to give it to people who needed them. I saw my T-shirt all over town.”
Butler witnessed how the Ministry of Caring made a difference in more ways than one. He toured the Child Care Center and helped Brother Ronald Giannone upgrade the kitchen’s design.

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