Page 21 - Italina-American Herald - January 2025
P. 21
Bundle up! Fa freddo fuori!
enjoy the evening with their families.
In many parts of our country this is the
time of year it can be really cold. Darla and
I don’t usually mind a little cold because we
have our fur to help keep us warm. But that
night was veramente fredda (vare-ah-men-
tay fray-da) really cold and most people had
on cappotti caldi con cappuccio (kah-po-tee
cal-dee cone ka-poo-cho) warm coats with a
hood or a separate cappello invernale (kah-
pell-oh een-vare-nal-a) winter hat.
Others had wrapped bright colored
sciarpe (shee-are-pay) scarves around their
necks and had warm guanti (gwan-tee)
gloves or mittons on their hands. Thankfully
mamma put on our coats because we had to
walk about 10 blocks each way to the square
from the parcheggio (par-kedge-oh) the
parking lot.
There were lots of babies and small
children inside strollers and even a few
puppies! One puppy we met indossava
(een-do-sah-va) was wearing a warm brown
coat with a hood and everyone was petting
him. Darla and I have to warm up to people
By Maverick Cannavo
Qualche settimana fa (kwal-k-seh-tee-
mah-na fa) Just a few weeks ago we went
with mamma, papà and i nostril nonni (e
no-stree no-knee) our grandparents to watch
the tree lighting in la piazza principale (la
pee-ah-za preen-chee-pahl-a) the main
square of Gettysburg, Pa. It was very exciting!
They were serving cioccolata calda (chee-
oh-ko-lah-ta cal-da) hot chocolate and fresh
baked cookies (which we could not have)
and everyone was bundled up because it was
so cold! Santa arrived sulla sua slitta (sool-ah
sue-ah slee-tah) on his sleigh led by beautiful
white horses and after a short countdown the
tree lit up to the oohs and aahs of the crowd.
We also met other puppies that were there to
We also noticed some people were
wearing stivali invernali (stee-val-e een-vare-
nal-a) winter boots with a warm lining inside.
They will really need them when inizia a
nevicare (een-e-zee-ah ah neh-vee-car-a)
when it begins to snow.
Some mornings when we go outside
and the grass is frozen or there is snow,
we wish we had these kind of boots. Shoes
for our paws is also good when the pavement
is hot outside. Mamma told us she tried these
before we let them pet us so we stayed close
to mamma’s side.
once with Sara but she would not keep them
on. We probably wouldn’t either! IAH
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