Page 2 - Baltimore County Library - 2018 Welcome Guide
P. 2
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Families: 3; J ’ die A
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You have ahelpful resource for finding .. 2 3.. ~ - \\ i , ,’ 1
the right care for your family. Use our 1‘ A ‘ »,;.. i * ,' ~
F indA Program tool to find high-quality ii,‘ ;,;__I 7 ‘ 5""? g.“ ."‘ '_.
child care and early education programs ’ 1‘ ~‘ I
near you. ‘ ” \ x l‘ ‘ _ y
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: H ; Programs and Proviclcrez
u ‘ Join a community of child care
.. ‘ and early education programs that are
.‘ ' "‘ committed to continuous quality
. improvement.
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I Downoa Omar " GETITON ‘ ccd hcl and a ll’! -For child care?
,. AP‘; §t°r|e . G°°9'e Hay. Visit Ww$v.maryl2Indextr:el)s.()a1'g/quality.