Page 32 - The Valley Table - January/February 2021
P. 32

                                                                                                                                               Make power outages
The High Cost of Losing Power
Make power outages
Make power outages
 Make power outages
a thing of the past a thing of the past
a thing of the past
a thing of the past
with a home standby with a home standby
with a home standby
 The High
As a homeown asset, and unpr freezing pipes t thousands of do generator. It sta
Call or go
Gentech LT
3017 US Rout
with a home standby
generator. generator.
     generator. generator.
 Make power outages a thing of the past with a home standby generator.
Cost of Losing Power
    r, protecting your home is always at the top of your mind. It is your biggest edictable power outages are a threat. They can lead to flooded basements, hat may burst and even mold. These repairs can cost hundreds... even
llars tTohfiex. HEHnisguhreCyousrthomf eLoalswianygs hPaoswpoewrer with a Generac home standby
The High Cost of Losing Power
  nds guAasradh2om4e/7o,wmneark, pinrogtescutinreg youur hhoamveeispaolwaeysrawt hthentoypouf ynoeuremdinitd.thIteismyoousr tb.iggest As a homeowner, protecting your home is always at the top of your mind. It is your biggest
As a homeowner, protecting your home is always at the top of your mind. It is your biggest asset, and unpredictable power outages are a threat. They can lead to flooded basements, A a s s s a e t h , o a mn d e o u w n p n r e e r d , p i c r t o a t b e l e c t p i n o g w y e o r u o r u h t a o g m e e s i a s r e a l a w t a h y r s e a a t t . t T h h e e t y o c p a o n f l e y o a d u r t o m fl i n o d o . d I e t d i s b y a o s u e r m b e i g n g t s e , s t
asset, and unpredictable power outages are a threat. They can lead to flooded basements, freezing pipes that may burst and even mold. These repairs can cost hundreds... even afrsesezti,nagnpdipuensptrheadticmtaabylebpuorswtearnoduetavgeensmaroelda. tThhreaset. Trehpeayircsacnalneacdotsot hfluonodereddbsa...semvents,
freezing pipes that may burst and even mold. These repairs can cost hundreds... even onlinthoeusatnodsdoaf dyollafrsotorfimx. Enosurre yoiunr hfomremalwaytsihoasnpower with a Generac home standby f t r h e o e u z s i n a g n d p s i p o e f s d t o h l a l a t r s m t a o y fi b x u . r E s n t s a u n r e d y e o v u e r n h mo mo l e d . a T l w h a e y s s e h r a e s p a p i o r s w c e a r n w c i t o h s a t h G u e n n d e r r e a d c s h . . o . me v e e s n t a n d b y
thousands of dollars to fix. Ensure your home always has power with a Generac home standby generator. It stands guard 24/7, making sure you have power when you need it the most. tgheonuesrantodrs. Iotfsdtaonlldasrsgtuoafirdx.2E4n/s7u, rmeaykoinugr hsoumreeyaoluwhaayvsehapsowpoewr werhwenithyoauGneenedraitcthoemeosta. ndby
generator. It stands guard 24/7, making sure you have power when you need it the most. Sales: 845-568-0500
generator. It stands guard 24/7, making sure you have power when you need it the most. CSaerlvl iocer: go online today84fo5-r5m68o-0r5e0i0nformation
D Call or go online today for more information
Call or go online today for more information CWaelbl soitre:go online todaygefnotercmhltodr.ceominformation
The High CosSatleos:f Losing Pow84e5-r568-0500
         Sales: 845-568-0500
Service: 845-568-0500 Gentech LTD Saelrevsic: e: 845-568-0500
Gentech LTD
As a homeowner, protecting your home is always at the top of your mind. It is your biggest 9W, New Windsor,SWNeerebviscwiete::York 12553g8e4n5te-5c6h8lt-d0.c5o0m0
Gentech LTD
 SWeervbisciete: : g8e4n5t-e5c6h8lt-d0.5co0m0
Gaessnet,eacnhd uLnTpDredictable power outages are a threat. They can lead to flooded basements,
freezing pipes that may burst and even mold. These repairs can cost hundreds... even
3017 US Route 9W, New Windsor, New York 12553 3017 US Route 9W, New Windsor, New York 12553
3t0h1o7usUaSndRsouf tdeol9laWrs,toNfiexw. EWnsiunrdesyoru, rNheowmeYaolwrkay12s 5ha5s3power with a Generac home standby
3017 US Route 9W, New Windsor, New York 12553
generator. It stands guard 24/7, making sure you have power when you need it the most.
info m
5-568 5-568 ntechl
 Call or go online today for more
Gentech LTD
Sales: 84 Service: 84 Website: ge
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We are following state guidelines and taking extra precautions to ensure we are keeping everyone safe.
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JAN – FEB 2021

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