Page 6 - The Apex - Touro College of Dental Medicine 2024
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Ctomography (CBCT).
for their patients. And it’s
all buoyed by Artificial
This piece of equipment
Intelligence (AI).
produces high-quality, 3D
“There’s a little bit of
images of teeth, soft tissue,
advancing technology in all
AI in every part of digital
nerve pathways, and bone,
areas of life has even old-
dentistry,” says Sunil
all in a single scan. AI-led
school dentists embracing
Abraham, TCDM’s Digital
software systems analyze
innovative digital tools to
Technology Administrator.
the image and return a
make their practices more
Abraham points out that
precise and detailed report,
effective, efficient, and less
while students continue
along with treatment
uncomfortable and costly
to be schooled in the
for their patients—and
traditional dental arts
“AI is catching cavities and
students at Touro College
(with a limit to how much
cancerous lesions that are
of Dental Medicine will be
AI they can use and rely
so small and so treatable,”
ready to do the same.
upon), they are also deep
says Dr. Alan Jurim, Director
In TCDM’s state-of-the-
diving into six categories of
of Digital Dentistry and a
art classrooms, labs, and
AI-fueled digital dentistry—
Clinical Assistant Professor
clinics, future dentists
positioning them as
of Dental Medicine at
receive an up-to-the-
tomorrow’s leaders in this
TCDM. “There are false
minute, hands-on education
rapidly evolving field.
positives,” he acknowledges,
in what is now commonly
“but pinpointing areas that
referred to in the field as
“digital dentistry.” The term
covers all of the computer-
based instruments and
techniques—from oral
scanners to 3D printers—
that tech-savvy dentists use
to create better, quicker, and
more affordable outcomes
For a bird’s eye view into
what’s going on inside a
patient’s mouth, TCDM
students are trained in
standard radiography
(both 2D and 3D), as well
as cutting-edge dental
cone beam computed
could use a second look
and a deeper evaluation is
invaluable, and results in
vastly improved patient
In addition, students
learn to work with intraoral
cameras for a close-up view
of teeth, gums, and hard-to-
reach areas of the mouth.
Asking patients to sink
their teeth into a thick,
putty-like substance (and
then wait for it to harden)
to create a mold of their
mouth is fast becoming a
thing of the past, which is
why TCDM students are