May/June 201 2
The Port of Baltimore
in Baltimore related to the war. She also
thanked the women of Locust Point, who,
in the early 1970s, defeated a proposal for
a bridge at Fort McHenry that would have
forever marred the historic site.
A panel discussion during the event
included the former director of the Star-
Spangled Banner Flag House and people
who are descended from Marylanders
who fought in the war. Capt. Jonathan
Thomas Street, co-chair of the Quality
Cargo Handling Action Team (QCHAT)
and the Port of Baltimore’s RO/RO Rodeo,
spoke about two of his ancestors: Col.
John Streett, who served with the 7th
Maryland Cavalry and rode to the defense
of Baltimore in September 1814, and his
brother Col. Roger Streett, who fought at
North Point.