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The Port of Baltimore
March/April 201 2
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Marine Terminals
altimore’s North Locust Point has a long and varied past. It has served as
a cargo pier for the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, performed a vital role in
America’s export of coal and grain, and welcomed thousands of immigrants
looking for a new beginning in a young nation full of promise.
But it has also endured stretches when the property was being underutilized.
Today, thanks to the combined work of the Maryland Port Administration (MPA),
International Longshoreman’s Association (ILA), Project Stevedoring and other groups,
the North Locust Point Marine Terminal is enjoying its own fresh start and promises to
contribute mightily to the continued success of the Port of Baltimore.
“The Port once again has put forth a team effort to expand business and job opportu-
nities,” noted Rex Wheeler of Canton Port Services, LLC, which owns Project Stevedoring.
Turnaround Takes Shape at
North Locust Point Terminal