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May/June 2011
The Port of Baltimore
who commands
U.S. Coast Guard Sector Baltimore,
understands that true security is
achieved by helping those vested in
the Port of Baltimore buy into security
efforts and maintain daily vigilance.
O’Malley, who took over Sector
Baltimore in 2009, is active in several
forums concerne
d wit
h Port security,
including the Area Maritime Security
Committee, Anti-Terrorism Advisory
Council, Federal Agency Quality
Working Group, Harbor Safety and
Coordination Committee,
ensure that our facilities are well maintained and in compliance
with all codes.”
In the course of their daily routines, MPA employees and
tenants are encouraged to look for and correct potential fire
hazards, such as a blocked exit door, accumulated trash or
improperly stored materials. “In the rush to unload a ship,
there are a lot of people, with a lot of equipment, doing a lot
of things — all at the same time,” said Fennell, a 31-year fire
service veteran. “Sometimes things don’t get put exactly where
they’re supposed to go.”
Renovation projects and new construction plans are also
examined to ensure that proper fire suppression and life-
safety measures are incorporated. In addition, annual facility
inspections conducted by the U.S. Coast Guard have a safety
component. “The MPA and tenants accompany the Coast Guard
on these very thorough walk-throughs,” McMahon said. “We
feel that these annual facility inspections have allowed us to
improve our inspection and correction processes.”
In a recent letter from Coast Guard Capt. Mark O’Malley
to MPA Executive Director James J. White, he noted that the
results of the 2010 inspection were “excellent, with only minor
discrepancies identified. These discrepancies were promptly
noted for action or corrected on the spot.” O’Malley said the
exam’s successful outcome “was due in large measure to
the continued professionalism, commitment and dedication
exhibited by the Operations and Port Security Departments and
the Maryland Transportation Authority Police. I appreciate and
commend them all for their efforts and a job well done.”
White was pleased with the results and praised those in
his organization and the Port community. “As part of the MPA’s
mission, we are committed to providing a safe workplace and
protecting our infrastructure,” White said. “MPA operations,
maintenance and engineering departments integrate fire/life
safety into all projects and activities.”
Coast Guard Efforts
Have Wide Scope
and Joint
Committee. He also participates with
the Baltimore Port Alliance, Regional
Response Team and Delmarva Water
Transport Committee.
For President Barack Obama’s State
of the Union address in 2010, Sector
Baltimore provided 80 personnel,
boats and even two aircraft to help
secure that event. For a recent nuclear
security summit, 110 personnel and 15
boats from Sector Baltimore provided
Coast Guard’s ultimate team leader.