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July/August 2011
The Port of Baltimore
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PHONE (410) 633-2400
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nhanced technology
was a key topic of
discussion during
a recent meeting of
the Quality Cargo Handling
Action Team (QCHAT). The
meeting, which was hosted
by AMPORTS (APS) North
Terminal and coincided with
the RO/RO Rodeo, attracted
about 80 participants
representing manufacturers,
stevedores, steamship lines,
processors, terminal operators,
labor and the Maryland Port
Administration (MPA).
“QCHAT membership
will be using technology in
the future to add value to
our customers and provide
important information,” noted
Barbara Leight, Manager,
MPA Quality Department. “A
website is being planned to
specifically focus on QCHAT.”
Leight explained that
QCHAT is “a collaborative
team approach to prevent
any type of damage to our
customers’ cargo. … The
team meets monthly to assess
performance areas, identify
problems and take immediate
corrective action to prevent
any recurrence.”
The QCHAT initiative,
which dates back to 1997,
was created as a vehicle to
help the Port of Baltimore
accomplish its vision of
“setting the standard for
global quality and excellence
in cargo handling.”
Capitalizes On Quality
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