Page 10 - Tree Line - North Carolina Forestry Association - Fourth Quarter 2021
P. 10

  Will Lampe gives a thumbs up at the log scaling deck, with Wesley West checking logs in the background.
 ‘Lampe Logs’
North Carolina’s Finest
In August, NCFA Business Manager Jill Bite, Director of Forestry Programs Mike Powell, and I took a short drive down to Smithfield to visit Lampe & Malphrus and interview CEO Will Lampe. Finding
time in Will’s schedule was no easy task, so we were all excited about this opportunity.
Driving through Smithfield, you would never guess there’s a sawmill/decking manufacturer right downtown, because Lampe & Malphrus takes several precautions to make sure its work won’t disturb the townspeople.
Will Lampe’s great-grandfather started Lampe & Malphrus in 1924, making it a fourth-generation firm. This spring, James Malphrus made the decision to retire after a long career, so Lampe purchased the Malphrus portion of the company. Lampe & Malphrus has been producing high-quality decking material from forest products for generations.
Q:What was your original reason for joining the NCFA?
A:The NCFA benefits my organization by bringing the membership up to
date on issues where we can support each other. There are many issues in forestry that we can tackle together as a collective and make a real impact, especially when it comes to working with local and state governments. I believe governments
and businesses work best when they are communicating — this is how business is heard and needs are met. I also enjoy networking with the membership; we are a small industry, so it’s good to know one another. If there isn’t a voice to represent our industry, no one is going

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