Page 25 - Delaware Medical Journal - March 2017
P. 25

Yes, There Are Still Many Uninsured Residents In Delaware!
And the Voluntary Initiative Program (VIP), a charitable program of the Medical Society of Delaware, is at the forefront helping those uninsured people  rate.
VIP is a network of Delaware primary care and specialty physicians who volunteer
to use a reduced fee scale, or at times
no fee, to allow uninsured state residents access to health care. Health Care Connection, the program formerly know  inappropriate utilization of emergency  patients since 2001.
Uninsured Delaware residents qualify if:
 Their income is at or below 200%
Federal Poverty Level,
 They are exempt/ineligible for the ACA
Marketplace, and
 They are ineligible for Medicaid.
A VIP Care Coordinator assigns a primary care provider and also makes referral appointments for specialty services as needed. A VIP Pharmacy Coordinator assists with locating medications at a reduced price or free. This includes access to a free bilingual speaking glucose meter and all diabetes testing supplies can be accessed for $25/ month.
Won’t you consider adding your name to a distinguished list of Delaware physicians who are dedicated to providing exceptional health care opportunities to low income, uninsured residents of Delaware?
To learn more about participation in VIP, contact Chrystie Arroyo at 302-224-5190 and you can join without delay!
to avoid laparotomy in a potentially frozen abdomen was also made possible through the use of a laparoscope, thereby foregoing unnecessary morbidity for this patient.
While this case represents a unique scenario, it acts to further

velocity penetrating abdominal trauma. As a paucity of literature exists regarding this topic, additional studies are warranted to potentially expand the role of laparoscopy in this setting.
■ DAVID YEARSLEY, MD is a Resident in the General Surgery Program at Christiana Care Health System in Newark, Del.
■ MAXWELL BRAVERMAN, DO is a Resident in the General Surgery Program at Christiana Care Health System in Newark, Del.
■ FREDERICK GIBERSON, MD is Program Director of the General Surgery Residency Program at Christiana Care Health System in Newark, Del.
1. Biffl WL, Leppaniemi A. Management guidelines for penetrating abdominal trauma. Present from 9th Annu Electr Util Environ Conf. 2015;39:1373-1380.
2. Como JJ, Bokhari F, Chiu WC, et al. Practice management guidelines for selective nonoperative management of penetrating abdominal trauma. J Trauma. 2010;68:721-733.
3. Moore EE, Moore JB, Van Duzer-Moore S, Thompson JS. Mandatory laparotomy for gunshot wounds penetrating the abdomen. Am J Surg. 1980;140:847-851.
4. Chestovich PJ, Browder TD, Morrissey SL, Fraser DR, Ingalls NK, Fildes JJ. Minimally invasive is maximally effective: Diagnostic and therapeutic laparoscopy for penetrating abdominal injuries. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2015;78:1076-1083; discussion 1083-1085.
5. Mandrioli M. Advances in laparoscopy for acute care surgery and trauma. World J Gastroenterol. 2016;22:668.
6. Choi YB, Lim KS. Therapeutic laparoscopy for abdominal trauma. Surg Endosc Other Interv Tech. 2003;17:421-427.

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