Page 130 - Innovation Delaware 2019
P. 130
Delaware State University
The Optical Science Center for Applied Research (OSCAR)
1200 N. DuPont Highway Dover, DE 19901 302.857.6656
Supporting innovation at Delaware State University
Delaware State University has launched
the Delaware Institute for Science and Technology (DIST) to support development of research and innovation at the University. Under the leadership of Dr. Melissa Harrington, the DIST supports the Optical Science Center for Applied Research (OSCAR) and the Delaware Center for Neuroscience Research. It also supports three research core facilities that provide state-of-the-art equipment and services to researchers at Delaware State University, other partner universities, government agencies, nonprofit organizations and industry.
The Cell Electrophysiology Core Facility
is a unique resource in Delaware offering assessment and characterization of function in excitable cells, tissues and ion channels.
The Core offers traditional patch clamp and multi-electrode electrophysiology with cells and tissue slices, as well as automated patch clamp for characterizing ion channel activity.
The OSCAR Imaging Core Facility offers spectroscopy and microscope imaging services, from tissue processing and staining to image acquisition with top-quality instruments. Services include digital imaging with confocal, bright-field, fluorescent and polarization microscopes, scanning electron microscopy, and light-sheet microscopy.
The Delaware Nucleotide Analysis (DNA) Core Facility provides MiSeq and Bioanalyzer services using Illumina NGS (Next Generation Sequencing) instruments.
All three cores offer training opportunities, and trained users can access instruments to collect data independently.