Page 19 - The Hunt - Summer 2021
P. 19

                                                                                                                                                Residential • Farms • Land • Commercial
Residential • Farms • Land • Commercial
RReessidideenntitaial l••FFaarmrmss••LLaanndd••CCoommmeercrciaial l
Holly Gross Stephen Gross Stewart Gross
Holly Gross Stephen Gross Stewart Gross Tara Rucci
Jenny Cassidy HMHoolilclylhyGaGerlorosMssumSmSteteprpht heennGHGreorrosbssSchSwStetaewbwaeartrtGGrHorosasrsry Price RReesisdideenntitaial l••FaFarmrmss••LaLnandd••CComommerecricailal
Jenny Cassidy Micheal Mummert Herb Schwabe Harry Price
Residential • Farms • Land • Commercial
JJeennnyyCaasssididyy Micichhaaeel lMuummmeertrt HHeerbrbSSchchwwaabbee HHararyryPPrirciece
HHoolllylyGGrorosss SStetpephhenenGGrorosss SStetwewaratrtGGrorsosss
Holly Gross Stephen Gross Stewart Gross
HHoollylyGGrroosssGGrorouupp.c.coomm| |661100-4-43300-3-3003300
JeJennnyyCCaassisdidyy MMicihchaealelMMuummmeretrt HHerebrbSSchchwwababe e HHararryryPrPirciece
Residential • Farms • Land • Commercial
Jenny Cassidy
Michael Mummert
Herb Schwabe
Harry Price
 HHoolllylyGGrorossGsGrorouupp.c.coomm| |661100-4-43300-3-3003300
Holly Gross Stephen Gross Stewart Gross
  eormt om
 JennyCassidyHolMlyiGcrhoaseslGMrouumpm.c HollyGrossGroup.c
  | 6H1e0r-b4S3c0h-w30ab3e0 Harry Price | 610-430-3030
    S u R a l F a r m S S u u R | R a a U l l F n F a i a o r r m n m v i | l | l e U U n H n i o u i o n n n v t v i l i C l l e l o e H u H u n u n t n r t y t C C o o u u n n t r t y r y SuRal Farm | Unionville Hunt Country
“ K e “ r “ K w K e r e a w r l l w a s l ” a l s l l ” s | ” B | | o B r B o o r o u o r u g o g h u h g o h o f f o W Wf We e s s e t t s C C t h h C e e h s s e t t s e e t r e r r “Kerwalls” | Borough of West Chester
S S e t e t o o n n o o v e v r e r a n a n a c a r c e r e i n i n t h t e h e s o s u o g u h g t h - a t - f a t e f t r e r n o n r o t h r t e h a e s a t s q t u q a u d a r d a r n a t n o t f o t f o t w o wn , n s , i t s s i t t s h t i h s i 6 s 5 6 0 5 0 0 0 s q s u q a u r a e r e ffabuloloussprropeerrtytywaasSsSouonuRncRaceaellFfefFaearatmrutmurre|ed|dUiUninioAiAonrnvcrcivhlhlieltlietHecHctutunranrtaltClDCoDouigiungentesrtsy.rt.yOnneevvisiistitaannddyyoouuwwililll fofoot Ft FrernenchchNNoromrmananstsy“tlyK“eleKehreohwrmowamelalsecll”osc”no|snt|BrsutroBcurtocoertdueogduinhginh1o9f1o29Wf42W.4eT.seThtseChtehCoehsmoetmsetr’es’resxetxetreiorirofrefaetautruersestesetepep
C C u u s s t t o o m m d d e e s s i g i g n n e e d d b b y y J J o o h h n n M M i l i n l n e e r r f o f o r r a a p p r o r o m m i n i n e e n n t t f a f a m m i l i y l y a a s s t h t h e e i r i r w w e e e e k k e e n n d d h h o o m m e e , , , , t h t h i s i s
esigCnuesdtobmyJdoehsnigMneidlnebryfoJorhanprMomilnineernftoframailpyroasmthineeirnwt efaemkeilnydahsotmhei,r,thwiesekenSdetoSneotvoenraonvearcraeninactrheisnouthgeht-saofutegrhnt-oarfttheerasntoqruthaedarsatnqtuoafdtorwant,soiftstohwisn6,5s0i0tsstqhuiasre
iimmediaiatetelylyundeerrsstatanSndudRwahlhyFyasrsuumcchh|aaUppnrieroesntsitvgigiloiloeuusHsmumnatagCgaazoziunineetrsyosouugghht toouut tththisisfafarmrm. .SSeet t wwooodd shshakaeke rorofosf,s, d“deKeeperpwfiaefiledsl”sdtsot|noenBeowrowaulalgsl,lhs,owfwaWtaetresrtfeCfaethauetrusertse,sr,anadndelelgeagnatntgagradrednesns CuustsotomddeesisgignneeddbbyyJoJohhnnMilinlneerrfoforraapprorommininenent tfafmamilyilyasasththeierirwweekeeknenddhhomome,e,,t,htihsis SeSteot nonovoevrerananacarcereininthtehesosuoguhgth-at-fateftrenronrothrtehaesatsqtuqaudardarnatnotfotfotwonw,ns,itsittshtihsi6s5605000sqsuqauraere telyOundeervsitsaitndanwdhyyosuchwaillpirmesmtigeidoiuastemlyaguanzdineersstoanudghtwohuyt tshuicshfaramp. rSeestigiouwsoodextsehraiokreferaotoufrse,s dsteep wfioeoldstsohnaekewroaollsfs,, dweaetperfiefeldasttuornese, wanllds, welaetgearnfteagtuaredse,ns
o o n n 5 5 0 0 a a c c r r e e s s , , t h t h e e f a f a r r m m f e f e a a t u t u r r e e s s a a s s t o t o n n e e f a f a r mr m h h o o u u s e s e o o v v e e r l r o l o o o k k i n i n g g a a p p o o n n d d , , p p o o o o l , l , a a f a f a b b u u - - c r c e r a e t a e t d e d t o t o e n e n s u s u r e r e p p r i r v i a v c a y c y a n a d n d t h t e h e f e f e e l e o l f o a f a c o c u o n u t n r y t r y e s e t a s t t a e t . e T . T h e h e h o h m o m e ’ e s ’ i s n i t n e t r e i o r i r o i r s i g s r g a r c a e c d e d,,uwthwiilslill fSoefottoFtnrFeronevcnehcrhNaNnoroamcrmraenainstystthlyeelehsohomoumgehect-oacnfotsentrsutnrcuotcertdhedeinaisn1t91q29u42a.4dT.rhTaenhtehohfmotomew’sen’es,xestixetsrteiotrhiroisfre6afe5tua0tr0uerseqsutesaetrepep res, the farm features a stone farmhouse overlooking a pond, pool, a fabu- created to ensure privacy and the feel of a country estate. The home’s interior is graced
magazine sought out this farm. Set on 50 acres, the farm features a stone and elegant gardens created to ensure privacy and the feel of a country
lloussbarrnwitihthaapaarrtmtmeennt,t,ggaarraaggee,,gguueesstthhoouuseseaannddmuucchhmoorere. .SSuurrorouunnddeeddbbyyththee wwithithhigihghcecielinlingsg,sl,alragregeroromoms,sF, rFernecnhchmmarabrlbelemmanatnetles,ls,tustnuninigngflofloroinrigngfrofrmomEnEgnlagnladnd ifmaimbmumleoedudisaiatpetelryolypueunrndtydeerwsrtsatsanndodnwcwehhyfyesaustuchcrehdaapinprerAestsritgcighioiouteuscstmumragalagDzaizingineessto.souOugnhgeht tovouisutitthatnhisdisfayfraomrum. w.SeSiltlet wfowoot doFdresnhscahkaeNkeoromroafosn,fss,tdyedlephepomfiefieledclsdotosntnsotenruecwtewadlalsil,nls,1w9wa2t4ae.treTrhfeefaethauotrumerse,es’s,aenaxdntedreiolerglefaegnatnutrgeasgrsadtredenepsns SuRalFarm | UnionvilleHuntCountry “Kerwalls” | BoroughofWestChester
with apartment, garage, guest house and much more. Surrounded by the with high ceilings, large rooms, French marble mantels, stunning flooring from England
farmhouse overlooking a pond, pool, a fabu-lous barn with apartment, estate. The home’s interior is graced with high ceilings, large rooms, French
BrrandywinineeConsseerrvvaannccyy’s’smeembbeerrssoonnlylyLLaauurerelslsPPrereseservrvee, ,SSuuRRaal lFFaarmrm’s’spprirvivaacycyisis ananddaagrgarnanddFFrernecnhchstsatiaricracsaes.eE. Extxretrmemeleylywwelel lclacraerdedfofroarnadndfuflulyllymmodoedrenrinzeizde,dt,htehehohmome e oimonnm550e0daiacacrterelsy,s,tuhtnhedefeafrarsmrtmanfedfeaatwutuhreryessauacshtsotonanepefrafearsmrtmighihoouusesmeoaovgevarelzroilnoeokkinsiongugagahptpoonundtd,t,phpoisofloa,lr,amaf.afbaSbuet-u- cwrcoeraoetdaetdedsthotaoeknesnusruoeroepfsrp,ivriavdcaeyceyapnadnfidtehltdehsefteofeneleolfowafaclolcsu,onuwtnryatrtyesretastfaet.aeTt.uhTrehseh, ohamonmed’se’iesnleitnegrtaeionrirtoirsgigasrgadrceaencdsed i n e C C u s o t o n m s e d r v e a s i n g c n y e ’ d s b m y e J m o h b n e Mr s i o l n n e l r y f o L r a a u r p e r l o s m P i r n e e s n e t r v f a e m , i S l y u R a s a t l h F e i a r r w m e ’ e s k p e r n i d v a h c o y m i s e , , t h i a s n d a S e g t r o a n n d o v F e r r e a n n c h a c s r t e a i i r n c a t h s e e . s E o u x g t r h e t m - a f e t e l y r n w o e r l t l h c e a a r s e t d q u f o a d r r a a n n d t o f u f t l o l y w m n , o s d i t s e r t n h i i s z e 6 d 5 , 0 t 0 h s e q h u o a r m e e
egenassruarrgeded,iningpupeerrspteetuthuiotiytuy::sthetheealolnoccdaatitoimonnuisicsuhunnpmpaaroararllel.eleledSdfuofrorrtohtuhonosesdeesesdeekkibniynggptprhirveivaacBcyyraannddsyeswererienn-e- mhhaasarsabalgeegoemothathenremtremalsla,lhsehtuaetnatpnupinmugmpfl,pos,osloarliranrpgapnfarenolesm,lsa,EnadndgalafanfbadublauonluodsusnaenwgerwakinktcdihtceFhnre.enKn.cKehrewrsawtlalasilrliscsaitsheteh.e lolnouus5s0bbarcnrrnewsw,itiththeaapfpaarmtrmtmefenantt,tu,grgaearsaraggese,to,gngueueesftsathrmhoouhusoesueasenandodvmemrulucohcohkminmogorear.ep.SoSunurrdror,oupunondodelde, dabbyfaybthuteh-e wcrwiethaitthedihgihtgohcecnielsiinulignresg,spl,arlriavgraegceryoroaonmodms,tshF,erFefrnecenhlcohmf maracborlbeulnemtrmaynaetnestltesa,ltses,t.usTtnuhneinhignogflmofleo’rsoinrinigntegfroiformormiEs ngEgrnalagcnleadnd n p f a e b r u p l e o t u u s i t p y : r o t h p e e r l t o y c w a t a i o s n o n i s c e u n f e p a a t u r a r e l l d e l e i n d A f o r r c h t h i t o e c s t e u r s a e l e Dk i i n g g e s p t . r Oi v a n c e y v a i s n i t d a s n e d r e y n o - u w i l h l a s a f o g o e t o F t r h e e n r c m h a N l o h r e m a t a n p u s t my l e p , h o s o m l a e r c p o a n n s t e r u l s c , t a e d n d i n a 1 9 f a 2 b 4 . u T l o h u e s h n o e m w e ’ k s i e t c x h t e e r n i o . r K f e e a r t w u r a e l s l s s t i e s e t p h e
iitty..SuRaallFaarrmrreeprreesseenntstsththeeeeppitiotomeeooffaafifinneeccoouunntrtyrylilfiefestsytylele. . jejweweleilninththeecrcorwownnininaatotwownnknkonwownnfofroirtsitgsogrogregoeuosuasracrhcihteitcetcutruereanadndsuspueprebrbquqauliatylitoyfoliffeli.fe. BloBCruarosanndbdsyaeywrrnwviniawneneitCchCyo’aonspnsaesmrertvrmevamanencnbcyte,y’sr’gsmamreaoemgnmelb,ybegeruLsresaosoutnnrlhyeloylLusLaseuaPurarerenlesdlesPrmPrvereuse,ecsrhevSrevmu,eRo,SrSuaeuRl.RaSFlaualFrFamoraumr’nms’ds’psepdrprirvbiavycaycthyiesis awEnaixtdnhtdraehamigrghearlnacydenidwlFinerFgelrlnse,cnclhacrhrsgeteasdtiarocifroaocsrmaes.ase,E.nFxEdrtxereftnrumeclhmleylmeylmywarowebldelelclramcnraeairdznetdfedol,fsro,atrshntauedndfnhuioflnulymgllymfleomohodoareidsnrengarinzferigozdem,doth,tEhtehnehegrolmhamonamdel e immediately understand why such a prestigious magazine sought out this farm. Set wood shake roofs, deep fieldstone walls, water features, and elegant gardens
l Farm represents the epitome of a fine country lifestyle. jewel in the crown in a town known for its gorgeous architecture and superb quality of life. eBenrnasusnsuruderryedewddiniiniepnpeCerproepenretsupteuiertiyvtuy:a:tinhtcyhey:el’ostlohcmcaeateitolmioncbniaesitrsuisounonpnpaliyarsarLlaulleanlleueplrdeaedrlfsoaforPllrethelthesoedosresvefseoes,reSketuikhnRiongasglpepFrisarveiravemcakyc’isynapngarndipvdsarescirevyeraneics-ny- hahnahesdastaagpgeguroaemtnohdtpeh,reFmrsmeoanlachlrhehaesptaptinrupcemualsmp,e,.pasE,noxsldoatrlreaamrpapefnalyenbleswu,llseoa,lnluadcsnadarneaedfawfbfaoubrkluoailtunocsduhnsefeunwl.elywKkmitkecoirhtdwcehenarel.nlsiK.zeKisdrew,trthawhlelaslhljisesowimtshetelhe
on 50 acres, the farm features a stone farmhouse overlooking a pond, pool, a fabu-
created to ensure privacy and the feel of a country estate. The home’s interior is graced privacy and seren- and seren-ity. SuRal Far$m3,5r0e0p,r0e0s0ents the epitome of a fine country lifestyle.
jheajweswealeilngientohtehecercomrwoawnl nhineinatatoptwuomwnnpk,nkosnowolawnrnfpofraonirtesiltgs,ogarognredgoeuaosufasrbacurhcliohteuictsetucntruewraenkadnitcdshusepunep.rebKrbqeurqwaulaiatlylsitoyisfoltifhfelei.fe. in the crown in a town known for its$1go,9r9g5e,o0u0s0architecture and superb quality of life. with high ceilings, large rooms, French marble mantels, stunning flooring from England
lous barn with apartment, garage, guest house and much more. Surrounded by the
jewel in the crown in a town known for its gorgeous architecture and superb quality of life.
ity. SuRal Farm represents the epitome of a fine country lifestyle.
Brandywine Conservancy’s members$o$3n3,5,,l50y0L0,0,a,0u00r0e0ls Preserve, SuRal Farm’s privacy is
ensured in perpetuity: the location is u$n3p,5a0ra0l,l0e0le0d for those seeking privacy and seren-
ita r.
and a grand French staircase. Extrem$e$1l1y$,,919w9,9e59l,l,50c,0a0r0e0d for and fully modernized, the home has a geothermal heat pump, solar pa$n1e,l9s,95a,n0d00a fabulous new kitchen. Kerwalls is the
 y. SuRal Farm represents the epitome of $3,50
 fine country lifestyle. 000
  jewel in the crown in a town known for its g $1,9
o 9
 geous architecture and superb quality of life 5,000
 Custom d fabulous immedia on 50 ac lous barn Brandyw ensured i ity. SuRa
             Near Marshallton Near Marshallton
Newlin Township Newlin Township
Unionville Unionville
West Bradford Township West Bradford Township
4 BR, 4.1 BA | 15 Acres | Great Views! 4 BR, 4.1 BA | 15 Acres | Great Views!
5 BR, 4.1 BA | 19 Ac. | Private Pool 5 BR, 4.1 BA | 19 Ac. | Private Pool
77 Acres | Mix of Open & Woodlands 77 Acres | Mix of Open & Woodlands
5 BR, 4.2 BA | Downingtown Schools 5 BR, 4.2 BA | Downingtown Schools
Fabulous Floor Plan | Volumes of Space Fabulous Floor Plan | Volumes of Space
Near Marshallton
Archer/Buchanan Design | Unionville Sch. Archer/Buchanan Design | Unionville Sch.
Fabulous Views of Protected Countryside Fabulous Views of Protected Countryside
Original model home | Great Value Original model home | Great Value
Newlin Township Unionville West Bradford Township Near Marshallton Newlin Township Unionville West Bradford Township
olArea|AShowcase! 6SNtaellwBalrinwT/Aopwt.n|sNheaiprChesLenPreserve EquestriaUnnAiroenav|iUllneionville Schools Chef’WsKeitcshtenB|ra2.d94f9oArdcreTso|wConnssherivpatory
Lg. Barn | Grand Pool Area | A Showcase! 6 Stall Barn w/Apt. | Near ChesLen Preserve Equestrian Area | Unionville Schools Chef’s Kitchen | 2.949 Acres | Conservatory 4 BR, 4.1NBeAar| 1M5aArcsrhesa|llGtorenat Views! 5 BR, 4.1 BA | 19 Ac. | Private Pool 77 Acres | Mix of Open & Woodlands 5 BR, 4.2 BA | Downingtown Schools
4BR,4.1BA|15Acres|GreatViews! 5BR,N4.1ewBAlin|1T9oAwcn.s|hPirpivatePool 77Acres|MUinxiofnOviplelen&Woodlands 5BWRe,4s.t2BrAa|dfDoordwnTinogwtonwsnhiSpchools 4.1 BA | 15 AcrNesea|r$G2M,4rae5ra0s,th0Va00liletowns! 5 BR, 4.1 BA | 19NeAwc$l.1in,|67TP5or,wi0v0na0stehiPpool 77 Acres | Mix of$UO1n,5ipo9en5nv,0il&0le0Woodlands 5 BR, 4W.2eBsAt B|$r1aD,d1f1o7wr,0dn0T0inogwtnoswhnipSchools
$2,450,000 $1,675,000 $1,595,000 $1,117,000
F4abBuRlo, 4u.s1FBloAor|P1l5anA|crVeso|luGmresaot fVSiepwacse! Archer/Buchanan Design | Unionville Sch. Fabulous Views of Protected Countryside Original model home | Great Value
Fabulous Floor Plan | Volumes of Space Ar5cBheRr/,B4u.1chBaAna|n1D9eAsicg.n||PUrivnaiotenPvoilloelSch. 7F7abAucloreuss|VMiewixsoffOPrpoetnec&tedWCoodulnatnrydside 5 BORr,i4gi.n2aBl Amo|dDelohwonmineg|toGwrneaStcVhoaolulse
us Floor Plan | Volumes of Space Archer/Buchanan Design | Unionville Sch. Fabulous Views of Protected Countryside Original model home | Great Value
4LgB. RBa,r4n.1| GBAran|d1P5ooAl cArreesa|GAreSahtoVwiceawses!! 5 BR, 4.1 BA | 19 Ac. | Private Pool 77 Acres | Mix of Open & Woodlands 5 BR, 4.2 BA | Downingtown Schools LFagb. Bulaoruns|FGloroarnPdlaPnoo|lVAoreluam|eAs oSfhSopwacaese! 6A6SrStcahtlalelBlr/BaBraunrcnwhwa/An/Apanpt.t|D. |NeNseigaenrarC|ChUehnseLisoLenevnPilrPlerseSescrevhrev. e FaEbEquqleousuetsrtiVrainaienAwArseroaefa|P|rUoUnteincoitnoevdnivlClieloleSucSnhctrohyosliosdles CCheOhf’ersfi’gKsiKnitcaihtlcemhneon|d|2e.l92h4.9o4mA9 ecAr|cerseG|sr|CeaoCtnoVsneasrevluravetoartoyry
|GrandPooNlAeareraM|aArsShoawllctaosne! 6StallBarnw/Apt.N|eNwealrinCTheoswLennshPriepserve EquestrianAreaU|nUionniovnilvlielleSchools Chef’sKitchen|2.949Acres|Conservatory
Lg. Barn |FGarbaunld$o$2Pu2,4os,45oF50l0,lA0o,0or0er0aP|laAnShowcase! 4 B$R2,,4.510B,0A00| 15 Acres | Great Views!
6 Stall BAarnchwe/Ar/pB$t.1u|,6cN7h5ea,0anr0a0CnhDeseLseingnPreserve $1,675,000
EquFeastbriualnouAsr$Ve1ai,e5|w95Us,0no0ifo0PnvroiltlecStecdhools $1,595,000
ChOefr’sigWKinietacshl temnBo|rd$2ae1.ld9,14hf19o7Amr,0dc0er0eT|soG|wCrneosanthseVipravalutoery $1,117,000
5 BR,$41.,167B5A,0|0019 Ac. | Private Pool $1,675,000
Unionville Sch. 6 Stall Barn w/Apt.
77 Acres |$M1,5ix95o,f0O00pen & Woodlands $1,595,000
Countryside Equestrian Area
5 BR, 4.2 BA $|1D,1o1w7,n00in0gtown Schools $1,117,000
Chef’s Kitchen | 2.949 Acres
Volumes of Space Lg. Barn
Fabulous Floor Plan | Volumes of Space
Archer/Buchanan Design | Unionville Sch.
Fabulous Views of Protected Countryside
Original model home | Great Value
Grand Pool Area | A Showcase!
Near ChesLen Preserve
Unionville Schools
Lg. Barn | Grand Pool Area | A Showcase! $2,450,0,000
6 Stall Barn w/Apt. | Near ChesLen Preserve $$11,,675,000
Equestrian Area | Unionville Schools $$11,,595,000
Chef’s Kitchen | 2.949 Acres | Conservatory $$11,1,117,000
s s
       East Bradford Township Franklin Township Philadelphia Condo West Bradford Lot East Bradford Township Franklin Township Philadelphia Condo West Bradford Lot
4 BR, 2.2 BA| 1 Acre|Two Offices! 3 BR, 3 BA | 17.5 Acres | Pool Cityview Condos | MBR w/Private Bath 3 Open Acres | Downingtown Schools 4 BR, 2.2 BA| 1 Acre|Two Offices! 3 BR, 3 BA | 17.5 Acres | Pool Cityview Condos | MBR w/Private Bath 3 Open Acres | Downingtown School
Fabulous $200K Finished Lower Level! Spacious 2 BR Garage Apart. | Pond Guest BR w/Bath | Art Museum Area Foundation Installed
Fabulous $200K Finished Lower Level! SpacioFursa2nBkRlinGTaroawgenAshpiaprt. | Pond GuestPBhRilwa/dBealthph|iaArCt Monudseoum Area WFeosutnBdraatiodnfoIrndstaLlloetd East Bradford Township
GreEaatsMtaBstreardSufoiter|dCThoewf’snKsihtcihpen LargeBarFnrawn/4kBlionxTSotawllsn,sThaicpkRoom Phila$d3e4l9p,9h0i0aCondo &WAercshtitBecrtaurdafloPrladnsL!ot
G r e a t M a s t e r S u i t e | C h e f ’ s K i t c h e n L a 3 r g B e R B , a 3 r n B wA / 4 | B 1 o 7 x . 5 S A t a c l r l s e , s T | a P c k o o R l o o m C i t y v i e w C o n d o s $ | 3 4 M9 , B 9 0 R 0 w / P r i v a t e B a t h 3 O p e n A &c r e A s r | c h D i t o e wc t n u i r n a g l t P o l wa n n s ! S c h o o l s 4 BREa, 2s.t2 BrAa|d1foArcdreT|oTwnosOhiffipces! Franklin Township Philadelphia Condo West Bradford Lot
BFarbaudlofuosr$d20T0oKw$F8ni4ns9ihs,h0i0ep0d Lower Level! FSpra3cniBokRuls,in32 BTARow|G$n71a27rsa8.h5g,9ieA0p0Acrpeasr|t. P|oPoolnd GuPesht BilRadwe/Blpathi|aACrot Mndusoeum Area WFeousntdBa$tri1oa9n9d,If0no0s0tradlleLdot
4 BR, 2.2 BA$|8149A,0c0r0e|Two Offices! 3 BR, 3 BA$7|281,79.050Acres | Pool Cityview Condos | MBR w/Private Bath 3 Open Acres$1|9D9,o00w0ningtown School
4 BR, 2.2 BA| 1 Acre|Two Offices! Spacious 2 BR Garage Apart. | Pond CiGtyvuieswt BCRonwd/Bosat|hM| BARrt wM/Pursievuamte BAarteha 3 Open Acres | Downingtown Schools Fabulous $200K Finished Lower Level! Foundation Installed
3 BRLS,ap3rgaBceiAoBua|srn21w7B./R54 ABGocaxreaSgstea|lAlsP,poTaoraltc. k| RPonomdCityviGewueCst oBnRdwos/B|a$tM3h4|B9,RA90r0wt M/Purisveautme BAarteha Large Barn w/4 Box Stalls, Tack Room $349,900
3 Open A&cArersch|itDecotuwrnalinPglatonsw! n Schools Foundation Installed
2.2 BAG|re1atAMcarest|eTr SwuoiteO|Cffihcefs’s! Kitchen Fabulous $200K Finished Lower Level!
& Architectural Plans!
Great Master Suite|Chef’s Kitchen
us $200GKrEeFatisnEMtaisBahtsertBedar$daLS8dfuo4foi9wrtre,d0de|0rCT0oLohwewnvf’snsehlsKi!phiticphenSpaciouLsa2rgBe RBaFGrrnFarwrna/kn4gk$leBil7in2onA8xTp,9oSa0wtwra0tn.lnsls|hs,ihTPpiaopcnkdRoomGuest BR wP/BhPaihltaihlad|d$e3Al4p9rh,t9iiaM0a0CuCosnoednuomdoArea
W&FoWAeuesrnsctdth$BaBi1tte9riaco9atd,nud0fr0ofIao0rnldrsPtdLaloalLtnleosd!t $199,000
$849,000 $728,900
4 BR, 2.2 BA| 1 Acre|Two OfficeLs!arge Barn3wB/4RB, 3oxBAS$t|a7l2l1s87,,.9T50aA0cckreRso|oPmool
Cityview Co$n3d4o9s,9|0M0 BR w/Private Bath
3 Open&AcArercsh|$i1tDe99co,tw0u0rn0ainlgPtloawnns!Schools
t Master Suite|Che$f8’4s9K,0i0tc0hen
4 BR, 2.2 BA| 1 Acre|Two Offices!
3 BR, 3 BA | 17.5 Acres | Pool
Cityview Condos | MBR w/Private
3 Open Acres | Downingtown Schools
Fabulous $200K Finished Lower Level! $849,000
Spaciou$s728B,9R0G0 arage Apart. | Pond
Guest BR w/Bath | Art Museum Area
Foundation Installed $199,000 Foundation Installed & Architectural Plans!
Fabulous $200K Finished Lower Level!
Spacious 2 BR Garage Apart. | Pond
Bath Guest BR w/Bath
Great Master Suite|Chef’s Kitchen
Large Barn w/4 Box Stalls, Tack Room Large Barn w/4$7B2o8x,9S0t0alls, Tack Room
Great Master Suite|Chef’s Kitchen
Art Museum Area $349,900
& Architectural Plans!
4 BR, Fabulo Lg. Barn
4 BR, Fabulo Grea
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