Page 14 - Georgia Forestry - Winter 2019
P. 14

 United Nations
Day of Forests
Georgia Timber Owners Should be Part of this Worldwide Celebration of the Economic and Social Benefits of Forests
Forests cover 30 percent of the Earth’s land area. An estimated 1.6 billion people, or 25 percent of the world’s population, depend on forests for sub- sistence, livelihood, employment, and income
In recognition of the significance of forests, the United
Nations General Assembly proclaimed March 21 as the Inter- national Day of Forests, to be celebrated around the world to raise awareness and promote action on forest issues. The theme for 2019 is “Forests and Education.”
The UN has recognized that private business activities — investment and innovation — are major drivers of pro- ductivity, inclusive economic growth, and job creation centered around forests. Private international capital flows, particularly foreign direct investment, along with a stable international system, are vital complements to national forest development around the world.
The UN also recognizes forests provide essential ecosys- tem services. Timber, food, fuel, and non-wood products contribute to soil and water conservation and clean air. Forests prevent land degradation and reduce the risk of floods, landslides, avalanches, droughts, dust-storms, sand- storms, and other natural disasters.
The UN estimates that forests are home to 80 percent of all terrestrial species. When sustainably managed, all types of forests are healthy, productive, resilient, and renewable ecosystems, providing essential goods and services to people worldwide.

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