Page 15 - Delaware Lawyer - Summer 2023
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carry a concealed deadly weapon. See generally 11 Del. C. § 1441(a).
13. From March 16, 2020, through July 13, 2021 (the end of the Judicial Emer- gency), Ms. Saville mediated 1,681 cases. From March 16, 2020, through May 11, 2023 (the end of the Public Health Emer- gency) she mediated over 3,400. See gener- ally Admin. Order No. 22 (Del. June 29, 2021); Off. Of the Governor: Exec. Dept., Termination of Declaration of a Public Health Emergency for the State of Dela- ware (2023).
14. Superior Court: Problem-Solving Courts, rior/problem_solving.aspx (last visited July 27, 2023).
15. E. Norman Veasey, The Drama of Ju- dicial Branch Change in this Century, 17 Del. Law., Winter 1999/2000, at 6.
16. See generally, Superior Court: Com- plex Commercial Litigation Division (CCLD), superior/complex.aspx (last visited July 27, 2023).
17. During his time on the CCLD panel, Judge Slights contributed significantly to CCLD jurisprudence. See generally, Opin-
ions and Orders, Delaware Courts, https://
?ag=Superior+Court&typ=Civil&div=CC LD (last visited July 27, 2023).
18. Kathaleen St. J. McCormick, Court of Chancery, in The Del. Judiciary: Ann. Rep. 26 (2022).
19. Bob Dylan, The Times They Are A- Changin’ (Columbia Records 1964). See Collins J. Seitz, Jr, The Work Has Begun, 40 Del. Law., Summer 2022, at 6. In his article, Chief Justice Seitz emphasizes his dedication to improving diversity within the Delaware legal profession. “When judges and lawyers do not reflect the com- munity we serve, it undermines public confidence in the fair administration of justice.” Id.
20. As of May 11, 2023, there are seven women on the Superior Court bench.
21. Superior Court, in The Del. Judiciary: Ann. Rep. 33 (2022).
22. See generally, Family Ct. of the State of Del., The Council on Racial Equity (CORE): Core Recommendations and Re- port (2023).
23. Announcement from the Delaware Supreme Court on the Delaware Bench and Bar Diversity Project (May 17, 2021); see also Nat’l Ctr. for State Cts. & AccessLex Inst., Strategic Plan: Report and Recom- mendations (2022).
24. The West Wing (Warner Bros. Televi- sion 1999–2006) (President Josiah Bartlett – nearly every episode.) (If you haven’t seen it yet, you should!)
25. The lack of e-filing in criminal cases presented quite a challenge during the acute phase of COVID-19 because we had to have employees in the courthouse processing the papers.
26. Collins J. Seitz, Jr, The Work Has Be- gun, 40 Del. Law., Summer 2022, at 6. 27. Nat’l Ctr. for State Cts. & AccessLex Inst., Strategic Plan: Report and Recom- mendations (2022).
28. The four pillars of procedural justice are: (1) being fair in processes, (2) being transparent in actions, (3) providing oppor- tunity for voice, and (4) being impartial in decision-making.
29. Many thanks to Tameka Lewis-Ster- ling, Management Analyst III, for remind- ing me what the letters “COOP” stand for and providing statistics for this article.
30. E. Norman Veasey, The Drama of Judicial Branch Change in this Century, 17 Del. Law., Winter 1999/2000, at 5.