Page 5 - Delaware Lawyer - Spring 2023
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This issue of Delaware Lawyer aims to provide insight into how Fam- ily Court and its partners address domestic violence in Delaware.
Domestic violence affects every aspect of our society, regardless of an in- dividual’s race, religion, gender, economic or cultural background. Victims and abus- ers vary in age, education, occupation and social status. The victim and abuser stereo- type promulgated in the media is inaccurate and should not be the basis upon which we determine whether someone is a victim or abuser. The need to safely assist victims leaving a dangerous situation and mitigate the traumatic impact of domestic violence remains paramount in victim services. The lasting effects of domestic violence can be seen in all the Delaware courts.
Since 1994, 10 Del. C. § 1041-1048, the Protection From Abuse statute, has guided the Family Court tasked with jurisdiction over domestic violence cases. The research tells us that domestic violence is not just an
anger management issue; it’s about pow- er and control over the victim. Reducing domestic violence to anger issues is a disservice to victims, abusers and society.
Family Court continues to collaborate with its partners to provide victim services and hold abusers accountable for their ac- tions through the domestic violence compli- ance calendar. Via the compliance calendar, Family Court will monitor abusers’ par- ticipation in domestic violence counseling. An article by the Court’s Director of Special Court Programs, Ava Carcirieri, provides details on the compliance calendar and on a plan to make a Family Justice Center available in Delaware.
The need for attorney volunteers to represent victims remains. A new volunteer portal will make it easier for attorneys to identify volunteer opportunities with Dela- ware Volunteer Legal Services, as you’ll read on page 14. In her article on page 24, Fam- ily Court’s Erica Davis notes that domestic violence advocates are another crucial
volunteer role that supports survivors. Animal abuse by perpetrators of do- mestic violence is another aspect of power and control that must be considered when assisting victims — a dynamic explored in
an article by The Hon. Jennifer Ranji.
It is important to recognize how ad- vancements in artificial intelligence (AI) intended to make life more convenient can be used by perpetrators of domes- tic violence to stalk, harass and abuse their victims. The article on page 18 will examine how abusers can use AI to harm
their victims.
On the back page of this issue, The Hon.
James G. McGiffin, Jr. reflects on more than 30 years of progress in addressing domestic violence in Delaware.
I hope members of the Delaware Bar will continue to assist victims of domestic violence when encountered, regardless of practice area.
Gretchen Gilchrist
The Hon. Gretchen C. Gilchrist