Page 17 - Delaware Lawyer - Spring 2023
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volunteer opportunities. Our goal with the new website is to make DVLS more accessible to people seeking our services and to volun- teer attorneys who want to provide services to people in need. has a secure section exclusively for volunteer attorneys. At- torneys who sign up to volunteer can access our past trainings and training materials, read our always entertain- ing and never boring newsletters, read write-ups spotlighting outstanding volunteers, review our training calen- dar and sign up for free CLEs.
Helping Volunteers Find Cases
One of the most exciting features for volunteers is the ability to view volunteer opportunities. It allows volunteers to review brief informa- tion on cases that DVLS is trying to match with pro bono attorneys. The volunteers can see the types of cases that are available, the county where the need is based, the anticipated complexity of the case (beginner, moderate, expert) and known dead- lines. When an attorney finds a case that interests them, they can submit a request to take a specific case or to
Our goal with the new website is to make DVLS more accessible to people seeking our services and to volunteer attorneys who want to provide services.
get more information about a case to determine if they can assist.
This feature is invaluable because currently DVLS’ primary mode of communicating volunteer opportu- nities to pro bono attorneys is direct one-on-one contact. We know that opportunities to match attorneys who have the ability to help clients are being missed. We do not have the resources to contact each individual volunteer every time a new case becomes avail- able, but the website can provide up-to-date information each day. We do not expect every volunteer attorney