Page 17 - Delaware Lawyer - Issue 2 - 2024
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 small, but it is growing and, increas- ingly, we have fewer interactions with our colleagues. That makes it all the more important that we make a good first impression on the newest mem- bers of the Bar and, whenever possible, reinforce the importance to them of maintaining a collegial and respectful atmosphere in all aspects of the prac- tice. Although litigation is inherently an adversarial process, the Delaware Way requires litigators to focus on the merits of their clients’ disputes, and work together to present the substance of those disputes to the court in an ef- ficient manner. We are allowed to dis- agree, but expected not to be disagree- able. Once again, the Delaware law- yer exposes the weakness of the other side’s positions, not the shortcomings of the advocates themselves.
Bring Your ‘A Game’ at All Times and Spread the Word by Example
As I have alluded to, much of my practice, and the Delaware corporate and commercial practice in general, involve working with out-of-town lawyers whose clients have been sued, or have initiated a suit, in Delaware. It never ceases to amaze me that so many of these lawyers are already familiar with the Delaware Way and embrace our way of practicing law. Why? I think it is because they realize the many benefits our system. They see the virtues of sophisticated and experienced judges who deliver prompt, well-reasoned opinions, and they appreciate the professionalism and decorum exhibited by the mem- bers of our Bar. Those things make
their work lives more fulfilling, as they do ours.
How do we keep it going? First, bring your “A game” to every mat- ter you handle. The more respect you garner as Delaware counsel, the more likely it is that our out-of-town friends will respect and replicate the way we practice law. Second, lead by example, and don’t be afraid to speak up if your gut tells you that some- thing does not seem in accord with the Delaware Way. And, finally, be the mentor that you likely had — set the right tone for the next genera- tion.
We have a really great thing going here — let’s all do our part to keep it that way. 

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