Page 22 - Delaware Lawyer - Issue 1 - 2024
P. 22

 James Levine and Carla M. Jones
Farewell to
Chuck Durante
In addition to commemorating the 70th anniversary of an important part of Delaware legal history, this issue also marks the end of an era for Delaware Lawyer. After more than 20 years as a member of the Board of Editors — including more than a decade as its leader — we bid farewell to one of the stalwarts of this great publication, Chuck Durante.
 Chuck joined the Board of Edi- tors of Delaware Lawyer in 2003 and became its Chair in 2013. Throughout his tenure, Chuck has shared his talents and experience in journalism, law and Delaware lore to leave a lasting mark on the publica- tion and its readership.
Under Chuck’s stewardship, Del- aware Lawyer has consistently de- livered insightful and thought-pro- voking content. His keen editorial eye and commitment to journalistic integrity have elevated the publica- tion to new heights, providing read- ers with timely analysis, compelling narratives and practical insights into the ever-evolving legal landscape. Far more than a figurehead, Chuck man- aged more issues to publication than any other member of the Board of Editors during his tenure, recruiting a diverse network of contributors and local photographers, working closely with them to generate the best work product possible.
Beyond his editorial prowess,
Chuck’s leadership has fostered a culture of mentorship, collaboration and inclusivity within Delaware Law- yer, inspiring editors and contribu- tors to strive for excellence in their respective roles. Chuck’s dedication to ser ving the legal community also extends far beyond the pages of Dela- ware Lawyer. In 2022–2023, Chuck served as the President of the Dela- ware State Bar Association, while maintaining his editorial responsibili- ties and managing his busy law prac- tice. His involvement in the DSBA, the Delaware Bar Foundation, and other professional organizations and activities has helped shape the dis- course on critical legal issues, driving positive change and advancing the in- terests of justice and equity.
As Chuck Durante concludes his tenure as Chair of Delaware Lawyer, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for his exceptional ser vice, unwavering commitment and enduring impact on this publication and the entire Dela- ware legal community.

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