Page 12 - The BCW - 40 Under 40 - Rising Stars 2020
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Managing Partner
Lightbridge Academy
What’s your one guilty pleasure?
My one guilty pleasure is having some ice cream. I skip dinner, mid- day snacks to have my one scoop of ice cream every day.
Provide one business tip that has helped in your success.
Be honest, upfront and always deliver on your promise.
What was the best business or personal advice ever offered to you? A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all.
Vice President
Beacon Adhesives
What is your favorite TV program?
My favorite TV program is “Top Chef” on Bravo. I watched all the original episodes and have re-watched all 17 seasons.
What is your definition of success?
My definition of success is having my work life and home life in harmony.
I want to be able to look back at
my life and be proud of my actions and choices. Success means always learning and recovering from failures with grace.
What do you enjoy most about your chosen profession/industry?
Glue manufacturing may seem rather straight forward, but we actually
help so many people solve problems and channel creativity. Our industrial adhesives go on various substrates
in aerospace and defense, electric vehicles, screen printed labels and more. It’s really interesting to work with engineers to help solve their issues. Our consumer adhesives are used in so many creative projects and I love seeing what people can make.
Westchester Medical Center
What’s your one guilty pleasure?
I played a lot of computer games as a teenager and I still do when I have the time. By playing the same online games, my college friends and I stay in touch with each other.
Who is the most important person in your life?
My father had a profound influence on who I am today in how I
approach my life . He is an academic electrical engineer who contributed significantly to the Korean electronics industry. By nurturing a strong academia-industry collaboration, he has translated many of his research into products made by Samsung
and LG. Growing up, I would visit his research laboratory and see prototypes of future technologies several years before they became real-life products.
Provide one business tip that has helped in your success.
I was lucky to have the chance to have dinner with John Abele (co- founder of Boston Scientific) and learned one important lesson from him. He advised me to “always ask the question ‘what should we do?,’ rather than asking ‘what can we do?’”
Associate Director, Strategic Alliances
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Name one habit of a highly successful person:
Be intentional with your time. Actively setting aside 30 minutes every morning for e-mails or making time to bake cookies – small things add up and lead to greater success and happiness at work and home.
What’s your one guilty pleasure?
Any sweets – pie, cake, ice cream. Love it all.
Provide one networking tip.
Introduce yourself to a stranger. Many of the important steps in my career were helped by friendships I helped cultivate outside of my comfort zone.