Page 65 - 2023 Westchester Relocation & Moving Guide
P. 65

A Community Well Supported Westchester’s nonprofit organizations are strong advocates for the families
who live here —and function as strong economic players in the region.
Westchester County’s nonprofit sector plays a critical economic role as both a job creator and revenue generator. According to Nonprofit Westchester (NPW) — an industry group whose goal is to strengthen the impact, capacity, and visibility of the local nonprofit sector — the sector is the largest employer among all industries in Westchester County, employing nearly 54,000 people. In ad- dition, the Westchester nonprofit sector has a considerable financial footprint in the county, and plays a critical role in business success. These organiza- tions also provide a wide range of cultural and recreational opportunities that boost quality of life in the region. Another advocate for the community is Volunteer New York!, which helps to connect residents looking to volunteer with Westchester nonprofits that have appropriate opportunities.
Providing a wide variety of important services and programming, ranging from mental health services to housing assistance, senior care, services for the disabled, childcare programs, hunger prevention, education and training oppor tunities, immigration assistance, and other needs, are local human services agencies such as The Arc Westchester, The Westchester Institute for Human Development, Westchester Jewish Community Services, Hope’s Door, Childcare Council of Westchester, Lif ting Up Westchester, Westhab, Andrus, Wartburg, Neighbor’s Link, and Feeding Westchester.
In the healthcare realm, nonprof- its including The Mental Health Association of Westchester County, Cancer Suppor t Connection, Open Door Family Medical Center, Planned Parenthood Peconic, March of Dimes, Friends of Karen, VISIONS, NAMI
Westchester, and many others provide medical suppor t, services, financial assistance, and other resources that greatly contribute to the health and wellbeing of area residents.
Offering educational and recreation services for Westchester’s children are popular nonprofits such as The Boys & Girls Clubs, Girls Inc. of Westchester, Ossining Children’s Center, Backyard Spor ts Cares, The STEM Alliance, Westchester Children’s Association, Yonkers Partners in Education, Her Honor Mentoring, Latino U College Access, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Westchester, STEER for Student Athletes, and the area’s YMCAs, YWCAs, and JCCs.
Nonprofits also play a huge role in driving suppor t and appreciation of arts and culture in the region.
With a strong advocate in the form of Ar tsWestchester, the county is well suppor ted in all things ar ts-related. Residents can enjoy a diverse range of performances, exhibits, and ar ts classes thanks to nonprofits such as Clay Art Center, Hudson River Museum, Jacob Burns Film Center, Picture House Regional Film Center, Hoff-Bar thelson Music Center, Rye Arts Center, Steffi Nossen Dance Foundation, RiverAr ts, and many others.
Helping to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the region are nonprofits such as The LOFT LGBTQ+ Community Services Center, African American Men of Westchester, 100 Hispanic Women of Westchester, and The Center for Racial Equity, Diversity and Inclusion of Westchester, among others.
 Clay Art Center

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