Page 22 - Italian American Herald - October 2019
P. 22

Sara festeggia Halloween
By Melissa Cannavo-Marino and Sara
E` autunno e il tempo i comincia a fare più fresco (It’s autumn) and it the weather is beginning to get cooler and umido (damp) in Frosinone. Everybody in the famiglia (family) has become annoiato (bored) and ansioso (anxious) per uscire e divertire (to go out and have fun). Then sento (I hear) mamma says, “tomorrow we are going to visit our family negli Stati Uniti (in the United States) and just in time to celebrate Halloween.” Mamma and i nonni are making plans to join in the fun. It sounds like it’s something che anche io (that even I) will enjoy! Spero (I hope) that I will be allowed to go along on whatever they do. Non posso aspettare (I can’t wait), especially to go on rides like the carosello (merry-go-round) and see people playing games and winning prizes like a peluche (stuff animal). Adesso è ora di andare a letto (It’s bedtime now) and mamma tells me we must go to sleep now. Domani sarà una lunga giornata. (Tomorrow will be a long day.)
In the morning quando mi alzo (when I get up), nonno is already loading our luggage into the taxi that will take us all all’Aeroporto di Fiumicino (to Fiumicino Airport). Nonno
explains that very soon we’ll be on the plane heading to Filadelfia (Philadelphia) and when we arrive we will be eating traditional autumn food and Halloween treats like crostata di zucca (pumpkin pie) and candy corn. I don’t know what to expect ma non posso aspettare (but I can’t wait). Mamma says in America they celebrate Halloween differently than we do in Italy.
Qualche giorno ha passato da quando siamo arrivati negli Stati Uniti, ma finalmente è la mattina di Halloween. (A few days have passed since we arrived in the United States, but finally it is Halloween morning.) After breakfast, sono pronta a celebrare (I am ready to celebrate). The weather is beautiful, chilly, but nice. Ma aspetta! (But wait!) I nostril parenti (Our relatives) and others are going to school and to work. This doesn’t seem like a celebration. I’m confused! In fact, mamma and nonna leave nonno and me home and go shopping! When they get home, they have lots of bags of candy and lots of little bags decorated with Halloween designs. Then they start to fill the little bags with candy. Che sta succedendo? (What’s happening?) As evening approaches children
Sara wears her “Little Mermaid” costume.
all dressed in different costumi, (costumes) streghe, scheletri, diavoli, e fantasmi (witches, devils, skeletons, and ghosts) start coming out from every direction, knocking on
doors and saying, “trick or treat!” Kids are everywhere! The air is filled with a scary but fun feeling since sometimes people decorate their lawns and houses to make them appear
haunted and scary. It all seemed in good fun. At the end of the night, as I enjoyed some candy corn and a little taste of crostata di zucca, I really was thinking to myself. La serata è stata molto divertente. (The evening was a lot of fun.)
Ragazzi, divertitevi quest’Halloween. (Kids, have fun this Halloween.) IAH
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