Page 4 - Italian-American Herald - July 2024
P. 4

Impressions: ‘Beautiful figure’ entails more than mere appearance
Continued from front page
are another time when Italian fashion is on display as people head out to dinner or for an evening passegiatta. Others will be carefully dressed just to go out to run daily errands.
Older women who want to present a
bella figura will choose clothing suitable for their age, and younger girls who care about their appearance will not wear sweatpants or items such as flip flops in public. Dressing fashionably doesn’t mean one needs to wear expensive clothing but clothing that is clean, fits well and is reflective of one’s personal style. Italians may not have substantial amounts of clothing or shoes in their closets but what they do have will be carefully chosen. They may buy just a few expensive items to pair with others and include stylish accents with their shoes or other accessories. They often wait to purchase items from well- known brands when the store’s hold their saldi or sales.
Personal grooming is also important. Women will pay special attention to their hair and skin, and those who wear makeup are a bit more subtle with the amount and colors they use. They do often choose a bold lipstick or bright nail color to offset the choice of less or no makeup. Italian men also take their grooming seriously, and their barbers are tasked with maintaining the style that best suits each client.
It’s not just the people who “dress up” to present themselves in the best way. In Italy’s famous cities and in smaller towns, pride is also on display throughout the streets and neighborhoods. While strolling through the avenues and smaller vie (streets) you will find numerous simple to elegant expressions of the citizens’ pride in their home and neighborhood. Flower boxes, from classic to artistic, will line the balconies, or pots
of bountiful floral arrangements will be
arranged by the doors, in front of the homes or around a small courtyard the neighbors may share. Stoops and walkways, often cobblestones, will be swept clean and you may even see local crafts or artwork adorning the exterior walls.
While visiting Italy you are sure to notice some storefront displays that have been carefully designed to attract your attention. Take a look inside a pasticceria (pastry shop) and you will find the appetizing edibles artfully arranged not only in a colorful display but often in shapes or designs which draw the eye and entice you to enter. Clothing stores are also known for their carefully arranged interior displays on shelves and racks but also for their window arrangements that turn into a piece of temporary art in its own right.
Experiencing the delights of Italian cuisine embodies not just the preparation
of the food but also the presentation and taking the time to savor all that hard work! While those who work may have to rush through morning breakfast, they do try to take more time to enjoy lunch and dinner. Most Italians work longer hours than here in the United States. Workdays usually begin between 8 and 9 a.m. with a break between 1 to 2:30 p.m. Afternoon hours end around 6 p.m. However, those who are in the service industry may work longer hours, including on Saturdays. It’s common for those who work extended hours to take a riposo (rest time) to enjoy a more leisurely lunch.
Italian law dictates a maximum of 40 hours per week or an average of 48 hours with overtime.
If employees live close to their jobs, they have the choice to go home to enjoy lunch, but others will head to nearby restaurants or bars. Whatever the case, lunch is a time to sit down and relax and enjoy their meal. If they choose to pick up something to go, they may
This showcase at Max Mara is a showstopper. | ADOBE STOCK
   The tradition is about living as well as one can, and making thoughtful presentations
in everything one does.
This elegant table awaits wedding guests at a villa in Tuscany. | ADOBE STOCK

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