Page 16 - Italian-American Herald - February 2025
P. 16
Olympics go to the dogs!
As told by Maverick and Darla
Not too long ago when Nonna visited
we were playing with our toys, running
around outside, and wrestling together when
Mamma said, “I think I should start training
them for an agility contest.” Nonna laughed
and said, “maybe they should sign up for the
Dog Olympics!”
“There are no official Olympics for dogs,”
she told mamma, but Olimpiadi (O-limp-e-
ah-dee) Olympic-style events do take place
across the globe to raise money for dog-related
charities or rescue groups.” We thought that
was interesting, so we listened to nonna
explain as we cuddled on the couch with her.
Now we will tell you what we learned!
These events might include allevamento
(ahl-lev-ah-men-toe) herding, dog Frisbee,
agilità (ah-jil-e-tah) agility, il puntamento (eel
poon-ta-men-toe) tracking and la corsa (la
kor-sa) running. There are also other activities
which focus more on fun and lighthearted
We thought of a few which could include
all types of fur babies. One of these could be
a squirrel chase with the squirrel and pup
separated by a fence to protect the squirrel.
This would be really popular with labradors
and pointers who love to chase squirrels. The
squirrel and the pup are released at the same
time and dog’s speed and agile moves such
as leaping or rolling as they run along would
be part of the score. Our cousin Bonnie loves
to chase gli scoiattoli (yee sko-ya-toe-lee)
squirrels so she would definitely love to sign
up for this type of activity.
Malamutes, Greenland Dogs, Siberian
Huskies, and Samoyed could compete in gare
di slitta (gar-a-d-slee-ta) sled races and Jack
Russell terriers would be perfect for un salto in
alto (oon sal-toe een al-toe) a high jump event!
English Bulldogs, Bassett Hounds, Great
Danes, St. Bernards, Mastiffs, bloodhounds,
and other large breeds could certainly
compete in a drool-off for the longest string
of drool. They would
be given something
wonderful to smell and their
drool would be measured by a string.
Of course, they would be disqualified
if they shook it off!
The next event could be a
concorrenza di muovere il sedere (cone-
kor-en-za dee mwo-vair-a eel seh-dare-a)
a butt-wiggling competition or a speed
walk venue. Corgis love to do this, but
labs, boxers, bulldogs, golden retrievers, pit
bulls, shepherds, and beagles would be stiff
An all-out long-distance run is a sure bet
for maximum excitement. Border collies,
Vizsla, Weimaraner, shepherds, retrievers,
pointers and Belgian Malinois would be best
to enter this event because they are full of
stamina and energy.
A zoomies competition would also be a
perfect event which would feature most types
of dogs except maybe the largest breeds.
If Darla and I participated in an Olympics
competition for dogs we would definitely
sign up for racing, zoomies, and butt-wiggling.
I predict we would place at the top! IAH
Events might
include herding,
dog Frisbee,
agility, tracking
and running.
of Wilmington
Alfa Romeo & Maserati of Wilmington Pike