Page 37 - 2019 Faces of Westchester
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􏰄hoosing the right law firm means choosing the right people Because relationships matter 􏰍ou need
a a a a a lawyer because you􏰎ve had a a a a a traumatic event and feel you deserve compensation 􏰍ou need
a a law firm whose e􏰃cellence derives from 􏰏􏰐 years of e􏰃perience and a a a keen understanding and and respect
for you you your uni􏰑ue case and your needs 􏰒iedler 􏰓eutsch 􏰔􏰔􏰕 brings that to every case it handles We have recovered millions of dollars for our clients in all types of catastrophic personal in􏰖ury cases from construction accidents car accidents and and trip and and falls to medical malpractice and nursing home neglect 􏰗nown for bringing a sense
of urgency to every litigation 􏰓uane 􏰋 􏰒iedler and 􏰂dam 􏰘 􏰓eutsch resolve cases e􏰃peditiously while ma􏰃imi􏰁ing the recovery you deserve 􏰄onsultations are always free and you won’t pay unless you recover FIEDLER DEUTSCH LLP 81 Main Street Suite 304
White Plains
914 993 0393 www fiedlerdeutsch com From left: Duane M Fiedler and Adam E Deutsch

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