Page 47 - Baltimore Fishbowl - 2017 School Guide
P. 47

His teachers call Christian a “lifer lifer.” Having attended the  since age two, he will continue on to the Washington Waldorf School for high school.
Who is your favorite teacher?
My favorite teacher is Ms. Arnold (eighth-grade class teacher). She has

showing students that she values their opinions and treats them with respect. To me she is like another parent – she listens, cracks jokes and has fun, but when work has to be done she makes sure it gets done!
Which extracurricular activity is most meaningful to you?
The Social Action Committee (SAC) is the most meaningful extracurricular activity to me. In SAC, we talk about any challenges students may be experiencing. Whenever a new issue is presented, I become very excited and immediately start thinking of different ways to solve it. Finding ways to solve social issues is intriguing to me, and at the same time, I am helping my peers.
Which two adjectives best describe your school?
Creative and colorful.
Which special event at your school fills you with school spirit? What makes you proud to be a student
, exudes pride in and enthusiasm for his school.
Who is your favorite teacher?
Ms. Emmet (art and woodwork teacher) is my favorite teacher! I love her, she is so unique. If something goes wrong with a project or a painting,  never.” She also tells us to take our time and paint from our hearts.
Which two adjectives best describe your school?
Artistic and extraordinary.
Which special event at your school fills you with school spirit? What makes you proud to be a student at your school?
Our end-of-the-year Eurythmy (a system of rhythmic movements set to music that is used to teach coordination, spatial awareness, and  grades get to pick their music and steps. My class did “Take Me Out to the Ballgame.”
When you leave your school, what will you miss the most?
Everything. The lovable people, my friends, my teacher (fourth-grade teacher Ms. Nierenberg), playing Gaga pit outside during recess, and 
If you could plant your school mascot anywhere in Baltimore, where would you put it?
I would put the Waldorf Wolf in Patterson Park,
the biggest park in Baltimore! I would put it 
everyone is running around. They would see it, and people would say “Wow!”
at your school?
The Michaelmas pageant, which is part of our

I have participated in this pageant for eight years in a row. The message the pageant gives (bravery, inner strength, and the importance
of good deeds) is something I feel you

How would you describe the culture at your school?
The social community at school is very tightly
woven. Classes tend
to mingle, creating many close relationships. The
sixth, seventh and eighth graders spend a lot of time together on

yard. We also have some classes together. Our culture also centers around different
forms of art such as Eurythmy, woodworking, painting, and
handwork. In our daily lessons, we have a multitude of different
artistic activities.

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