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Q3 2013
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I’m not a Westchester native (although I believe 16 years of paying Westchester taxes should qualify anyone for honorary “citizenship.”) I grew up in Media, Pennsylvania—a pleasant, unassuming suburb of Philadelphia that bills itself as “Everybody’s Hometown.” Hokey, I know, but not untrue. Media is actually very reminiscent of the best aspects of Westchester—it offers close proximity to a major city, good schools, lots of green space, a vibrant main street, and a strong sense of community, which is due in large part to the tightly knit tapestry of small businesses that stretch from one end of town to the other. Sure, the ubiquitous big-box stores and national chains have their outposts at the local mall and elsewhere around town—and they certainly have their place and serve a purpose. But it’s the smaller, indepen- dently owned businesses—like the ones my grandparents frequented and that I still patronize whenever I return home for a visit—that really define the personality and spirit of Media, and allow it to live up to its motto.
The same is true in the cities, towns, and villages here in Westchester. Although we don’t have a cool electric trolley like Media does (those who have to squeeze their cars between it and the cars parked along State Street would say that’s a good thing), we are blessed with many successful, thriv- ing small businesses that not only contribute to the County economically (more than 95 percent of businesses in Westchester have fewer than 50 employees), but also contribute to the quality of life we’ve come to expect and enjoy in our respective backyards. This issue, 914INC. recognizes the outstanding success stories among County businesses like these, with our first annual Excellence in Small Business Awards. Beginning on page 58, you can learn about some of the companies that truly enrich their commu- nities and the founders and owners responsible for their success—as well as those who help and support them.
But, as any business owner or entrepreneur can tell you, success does not come easily. And not only is it hard to achieve, it’s even harder to main- tain. For this issue’s cover story (page 49), we showcase some of the “Top Turnarounds” in our business community, and speak to those responsible for their impressive, and sometimes drastic, course corrections.
One niche of the County business scene that’s enjoying incredible suc- cess is urgent-care/walk-in healthcare centers. If you think you’re seeing a new clinic popping up in nearly every shopping center in Westchester, you don’t have to go to one to get your vision checked—they really are multiplying before our eyes. On page 34, we take a look at at this trend and what it means for our local healthcare industry.
You don't need a doctor to tell you that "all work and no play" is definitely not a prescription for good health (physical or mental). We have just the remedy: Join us on September 19 from 6 to 9 pm at the Crowne Plaza White Plains for a cocktail reception to honor the winners of our first annual Excellence in Small Business Awards. Like all of our 914INC. events, it’s a fantastic networking opportunity for everyone in our regional business community—and a great way to de-stress and unwind after work.
For more info or to purchase tickets, visit smallbusinessawards.
Robert Schork

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