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T The College of New Rochelle 0
he College of New Rochelle was schools: The School of Arts & Sciences
1. A WWII “blackout” in 1944. Students founded in 1904 by Ursuline nuns (for women), The Graduate School, The generally had to be in who had arrived in New Rochelle School of New Resources, and The School
the residence hall for quiet study by 7 pm. several years earlier. It was the of Nursing.
Lights out was 10 pm for freshman. Lights first Catholic college for women When I was an infant, my mother
on meant a demerit in New York State. Within its first brought my twin sister and me to visit
in your mailbox the next day. Studying
25 years, the student body had her Ursuline aunt. As she left, I apparently in closets and the bathtub were a way grown to more than 700 students. looked around as if I was “checking out” the
around this onerous During the 1960s, CNR faced unusual building. As a graduate student, I
regulation. declining enrollment, and some wrote a master’s thesis on the architectural 2. During the election creative innovations resulted. In 1967, for history of the college.
event in 1956, stu- dents were allowed to instance, the College began to offer several don menswear. Typical clothes at the time master’s programs. The School of Nursing
were bobby socks, —Sister Martha Counihan, OSU
was founded in 1976. Presently, more than
loafers, saddle shoes, Archivist/Special Collections Librarian,
and below the knee 4,000 students are enrolled in CNR’s four
The College of New Rochelle
NMeri’s Bakery Products, Inc. 1910
Port Chester 1
y great-grandfather, Paul Today, my father Dominick Neri is
Anthony Neri, was born CEO, and he runs the company with my
and raised in Italy, in uncle Paul, who is VP. My other uncles are
Reggio Calabria. After still involved, also.
arriving in the United In 1999, we demolished a parking lot
States, he and his wife and a building that was a block away
Domenica opened Neri’s from our current building. There used to
Bakery on Beech Street be an ice cream company between the two
in Port Chester back in properties, but in 2008, we bought them 2
1910. The first space was out and then built another structure to
a small, one-room garage where they connect everything. Today, we have more
made bread using original family recipes
than 300 employees (we had only about 20
from Italy.
employees in 1975) and sell more than 300
According to my grandmother, the
different varieties of bakery goods.
beginning years were not easy. They
We are a true family business and I’m
worked long, hard hours, every day and
proud to be a part of it.
night. Once my great-grandparents out-
—Brett Neri, Director of HR/Operations,
grew the Beech Street space, they relocated
Neri’s Bakery Products, Inc.
to Wilkins Avenue, followed by another
move to Pearl Street. After Paul Anthony
1. My father in front of
the 260,000-square-foot
passed away, his son (and my grandfather)
one of our dough mix-
building we are in today.
Anthony Paul Neri continued running the
ers when he was just 19
years old.
3. Among our best sell-
business with my grandmother, Theresa
ers are our delicious
Neri. They had five children: Dominick (my
2. It’s amazing how we
Italian cheesecake and
have grown—from a bak-
of course, our breads.
dad), Paul, Salvatore, Sondro, and Donna.
ery in a garage in 1910 to
skirts. The Council of Debate publicly debat- ed both candidates. Eisenhower won the straw vote.
3. This photo was taken in 1968 or '69. These were typical clothes at the time when a dress code was in effect. Pants could be worn only to off-campus events, and the students had to wear a raincoat. Pants could be worn in the residence halls. Students had to dress for dinner in dresses or suits and appropri- ate stockings and shoes.

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