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Buchmueller’s reputation in the industry served him well in his new venture. “We were not looking for another company until I heard that Ross was involved because anything Ross does, he does it carefully, he does it wisely,” says Roz Binday, founder and president of Advocate Brokerage Corp. in Scarsdale. “PURE is a boutique company, they don’t want to be on every street corner. They have a terrific product and it’s very well priced.”
Binday has had plenty of opportunity to see PURE at work, from Hurricane Irene to the unexpected Halloween snowstorm of 2011 to Superstorm Sandy. “When you have a newer company, you want to sort of ‘test’ them, and boy, were they tested. You have to understand, on the first day of a loss, everyone has a chip on their shoulder; they figure no one’s going to take care of them. They’re nervous, they’re in trouble, there’s a hole in the roof, and it’s snowing. This company really lived up to its promises. They were quick, they were fair, they were gracious, and they didn’t stint.”
PURE didn’t stint on its offices, either. It moved into these 27,000-square-foot offices
a year ago, after outgrowing its space in a building near the White Plains train station. Befor moving in, Buchmueller and his team remodeled the office space using research and information. He hired sociologists to study how his employees worked together and cre- ated “team rooms” packed with technology. SMART Boards abound. The communal area has a Ping-Pong table and a kitchen that’s model-home chic. This is no accident: “There was a good deal of studying what was wrong with typical offices, and the kitchen was where it all got jammed up.” Video monitors mounted high on walls inform his employees about everything from birthdays to how many clients they signed in Texas last week. “As the organization gets bigger, it can be harder to have everybody stay engaged the same way. So we put up digital signage that everybody, no matter where they are, can follow.”
Indeed, the PURE offices have a level- headed, take-charge vibe where little is
left to chance. He draws a comparison to Commercial Union Insurance, a British insurer whose motto was, “We won’t make a drama out of a crisis.”
Says Buchmueller: “There’s a certain ele- ment of keeping your head. Now we can get pretty fired up about stuff during other times, but at a time in which the stress is the highest is when we are at our calmest. We get fired up in calm times, trying to figure out how to be better and smarter.”
Dana White, a frequent contributor to 914INC., profiled Schott North America CEO Linda Mayer for the Q1 issue. White and her husband are probably underinsured.
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 Q2 2013

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