Page 70 - 914INC - Q1 - 2013
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Advocacy at-a-glance
The Business Council of Westchester at work for you
  Nov 7
County Executive Discusses Playlands Future
County Executive Robert Astorino and Kim Morque, President of Sustainable Playland Inc. (SPI), spoke at the Business Council’s Board of Directors meeting about the future of Playland and its positive impact on Westchester’s economy. Astorino previously announced he would sign a Letter of Intent with SPI to manage the amusement park. Astorino and SPI
 BCW Tackles Health Care Issue
Nov 8 Dec 6
As part of its continuing series of programs on the impact of the Affordable Care Act and the New York Health Exchange, The Business Council of Westchester held a forum in November at the Crowne Plaza in White Plains on how implementation in 2014
of the New York State Health
  outlined the plan for the new Playland, which will include not only an amusement park and renovated ice casino but also an aqua zone, Great Lawn, restaurants, conference space and more.
Benefit Exchange will affect business’ bottom line. In December, the BCW arranged for a
presentation at the Westchester/Putnam Workforce Investment Board in White Plains. BCW member James Schutzer of J.D. Moschitto & Associates outlined employer responsibilities regarding the health benefit exchanges and other important compliance issues. Attending the presentation program along with members of the Workforce Investment Board were BCW’s Marsha Gordon, who was named earlier this year to Gov. Cuomo’s Metro New York City Regional Advisory Committee for the New York State Health Benefit Exchange, and John Ravitz.
 Nov 16
BCW Introduces Newly Elected Officials
Assemblyman-Elect David Buchwald, who will represent the State’s 93rd Assembly District, met with the Business Council’s Government Action Council to discuss issues and goals that affect BCW members and their businesses. Meetings with other newly elected officials will be announced as they are scheduled.
  Gordon Named to Mass Transit Taskforce
Dec 7
  Dec 14
Repurposing I-287 Corridor
Business Council President and CEO Marsha Gordon was named by New York State Thruway Authority Board Chairman Howard P. Milstein as one the 29 members of the Mass Transit Task Force to look at transit options for the new bridge to replace the Tappan Zee. The Mass Transit Task Force will work to identify short, medium and long term transit solutions for the bridge and the
I-287 corridor in Westchester and Rockland counties; develop funding strategies to implement and sustain transit operations; and create a corridor management plan to ensure a viable transit program.
The future of commercial development along the I-287 corridor was the focus of a planning program held by the New York- Connecticut Sustainable Communities Consortium and the Urban Land Institute. Robert Weinberg, chairman of Robert Martin Company and chair of the BCW’s Coalition for Business Development’s subcommittee on mixed-use development, pointed out that the availability of mass transit as a result of the Tappan Zee Bridge replacement project is critical for the region.

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